Northeast Deserves Articulate Representative as Senate President, Says Ndume

Ali Ndume

Ali Ndume

The senator representing Borno South in the National Assembly, Mohammed Ali Ndume, has said that the Northeast deserves an articulate representative as Senate President.

The senator who is one of the leading candidates for Senate President said the Northeast had suffered huge devastations with property worth over N2trillion destroyed by insurgents.

Ndume who was in Lagos on Sunday for a parley with the media said there was need for an articulate candidate from the Northeast geo-political zone as a senate president to galvanise global support for the restoration of the North-East.

He said he was qualified to play that role, adding that his record in the National Assembly could attest to that.

Ndume said if given the opportunity, he would not compromise the independence of the legislature.

The lawmaker said his chances of becoming the next Senate president are bright, adding that he he enjoys robust relationship with his colleagues (senators-elect).

Ndume said he had been engaging his colleagues, assuring them that he wants to be President of Senate and Senators’ President.

Ndume maintained that God had been so kind to him as a “son of nobody that became somebody without knowing anybody”, adding that the onus is on him to reciprocate God’s favour by serving mankind.

“The 9th senate will do things differently. And that’s why I set out my nine-point agenda of what I want to do to reposition the senate.

On fears that the voting process could worked against him if the secret ballot system is jettisoned, he said :
“The senate rules remains open secret ballot and we will adhere strictly to that when we reconvene in June,” he said.

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