Adeniyi to Lead Discussion on Non-oil Sector

Segun Adeniyi

Segun Adeniyi

Raheem Akingbolu

As the debate over proper harnessing of the nation’s non-oil sector continues, the Chairman Editorial Board, THISDAY Newspapers, Mr. Segun Adeniyi, will next month lead discussion on Marketing Nigeria’s Non-oil sector for sustainable growth and development.

He would speak in Port Harcourt, at the annual marketing conference and awards of the National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria (NIMN).

The President, NIMN, Mr. Tony Agenmonmen, disclosed this to newsmen in Lagos, stressing that the institute would also hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM), a day after the conference, on May 10, 2019.

Agenmonmen, stated that Adeniyi would deliver the keynote address which would be followed by a moderated panel of discussion.

He pointed out that the conference, themed: Marketing Nigeria’s Non-Oil Sector for Sustainable Growth and Development,” was informed by the institute’s concerted and deliberate efforts at marketing the sector.

According to him, there was an urgent need to diversify Nigeria’s economy from its heavy reliance on oil, noting that at the moment the world was moving away from oil to solar and other sources of energy.

Asked if Nigeria was ready for this change, Agenmonmen said: “It is not about being ready; we have to move away from oil. It is no more about whether the price of oil is going up or it is going down. The truth is that oil is going out of fashion.

“People are driving electric cars, solar energy is being used in many parts of the world, so sooner than we think; oil will go out of fashion. It is better for us, in fact actually, we are late; we should then now double our steps in terms of developing our non-oil exports”

The NIMN President added that marketing Nigeria’s Non-oil sector would not only help in diversifying the country’s economy, it would also make her less vulnerable to fluctuations in crude oil prices.

According to Agenmonmen, the conference would be a congregation of marketing professionals from different sectors of the Nigerian economy, other professionals, the academia, government functionaries, students as well as the members of the general public.

“As usual, the summary of actionable Conference conclusions will be presented to the government as our input to policy making and execution” he added.

Agenmonmen, also noted that the focus of the AGM would be to enable his administration present account of its stewardship for the year ended December 2018, adding that elections would be held to fill the position of the President and Chairman of Council.

The panellists include: the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Proshare Nigeria Limited, Mr. Femi Awoyemi; the Principal Consultant/CEO, Necci Limited, Mrs. Nkechi Ali-Balogun; the Director Academic Planning, Abia State University, Uturu, Professor Gazie Okpara; the Director General, Nigeria Export Promotion Council, Mr. Olusegun Awolowo; Professor John Otaigbe, Department of Chemistry, University of Port Harcourt and would be moderated by the Managing Director, Nitro 121, Mr. Lampe Omoyele.



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