Trailblazer: Mudi Enajemo Set to Change the Face of Interior Decor in Africa

Mudiaga Enajemo

Mudiaga Enajemo

Fashion is now big business. It is growing fast. Faster than the speed of light. Its practitioners are respected, raking in big money and living better lives. Some of the credits for the boom in the business are heaped on the doorsteps of Mudiaga Enajemo, the talented designer behind Mudi Africa.

Behind every successful fashion designer, there is a story of grit and sweat and battles to change perceptions and shape a unique identity that sells. Mudiaga Enajemo is no different. From a ramshackle house in Ketu where he lived on goodwill, he clawed and struggled his way to his current position of preeminence on the fashion scene.
The international clothier is someone who was ready to go the extra mile even when there was no visible road to walk on. Armed with his creativity and a single-minded resolve to become a reference point whenever connoisseurs of fashion are gathered, Mudi broke down the walls of want and erected in its place a magnificent legacy of clothing excellence.

The Urhobo dude is the first port of call for many people in the corridors of powers and halls of business. He numbers presidents, governors, assembly members, captains of industries and myriad celebrities among his clients. Today, MUDI Africa’s stores can be found in major cities in Africa; Lagos, Abuja, Accra, Nairobi, Dakar and Johannesburg. He is well and truly on the mountaintop.

Having seen and done it all in the fashion scene, Mudi feels the time is right to expand his horizons and etch his name in a different but related field. In the next few weeks, Mudi will kick start his new business concern, interior decor and we gathered all hands are on deck to see his new business successful.

In the same way that fashion can be seen as the art of clothing a body in a way that makes it stand out, for Mudi, interior decoration is the art of dressing a building in a manner that makes entrants never want to leave. A student of art renowned for his creativity right from primary school, there is no doubt that this latest venture of his will be a roaring success. The excitement in the air as the official launch draws nearer is nearing frenzied levels.

The few skeptics of his expertise in interior decoration need only pay a visit to his head office on Mudi Lane, Anthony Village which he decorated himself. The eye-catching edifice commissioned a few years back still leaves visitors mesmerized by the breathtaking blend of simplicity and artistry. Here, as in fashion, Mudi knows what it takes to go for gold. And his race will begin soon.

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