Imo Professionals Back Araraume’s Governorship Bid

Ifeanyi Araraume

Ifeanyi Araraume

Iyobosa Uwugiaren in Abuja

Imo Professionals Group (IPG), a group made up of professionals across different sectors, has appealed to the people of Imo State to use the coming general election to begin to address myriads of socio-political and economic crises confronting the state by electing a good administrator – with both private and public sectors technical know-how, who treats all people with the same respect and fairness and does not play favourites.

In a communique signed by the president of the group, Dr. Emmanuel Nwosu, after the members’ meeting in Owerri, the state capital, the professionals said though the state has sons and daughters who are aspiring to be the next governor of the state, the group had seen very pronounced traits of a good administrator in Senator Ifeanyi Araraume.

The group advised the people to put the state’s interest above their personal interests by rallying around him in the coming governorship election.

“It is a fact that we have many sons and daughters, aspiring to the position of a governor of Imo State under different political parties; our position is that we need to put our political affiliations aside and elect somebody that can help recover Imo. And we see Senator Ifeanyi Araraume as possessing the right qualities of a good politician and public administrator,” the communiqué stated.

“From what we know about all the candidates, it is clear that it is only Araraume who has demonstrated the political will and ability to manage human and financial resources effectively in his entire career as a businessman and public office holder. We know him to always make decisions about an employee or his personal staff based on job performance and not on whether he likes or dislikes someone.

“He handles each problem with objectivity and doesn’t allow personal feelings to dictate his course of action; when a situation requires discipline, he always ensures that the action he takes is consistent with similar cases, so that no one can accuse him of favouritism.’’

The professionals said that among all the governorship hopefuls, it is only Senator Araraume who has “another address’’ unlike others who rely on politics as only means of live-hood.

The group insisted that Imo State, having suffered huge economic and infrastructure deficit in the last eight years, requires “a accomplished administrator who speaks undoubtedly and ensures that his words are specific and there is no confusion.’’

The group added, ‘’Our state has been privatised by a governor who sees the entire state as a family enterprise in the last eight years and we urgently need somebody who should listen to everything our people say; keeps an open-door policy in an effective way to help our people feel comfortable in expressing honest opinions.’’

The group said that those who know the governorship candidate of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) very well can easily attest to the fact that Senator Araraume is an ‘’effective public/private administrator who doesn’t keep aloof’’ from his employees, but rather seeks a mentoring bond to help them move up the corporate/public office ladder.

IPG also attested to the developed character, respect, knowledge integrity, credibility, humility and trust, which the group said are “rock foundation’’ to induce confidence and respect from those around him, saying Araraume will not disappoint the people of Imo.

“A man with excellent family background, sound educational quality and broadminded views on national and international issues, Araraume is the governor the Imolite need at this trying moment; let us not miss this huge opportunity,” the group added.

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