Japanese Ambassador: We Have Confidence in the Police

The Japanese Ambassador, Yutaka Kikuta

The Japanese Ambassador, Yutaka Kikuta

Rebecca Ejifoma

The Japanese Ambassador, Yutaka Kikuta, thursday passed a vote of confidence on the Lagos State Police Command’s ability to protect his countrymen and businesses.

Kikuta spoke at the command headquarters in Ikeja during his courtesy visit to the state Police Commissioner, Imohimi Edgal.

According to the Ambassador, who had Japanese Head of Economic Team, Yosuhiro Ha Shimota and his deputy Hiroki Ogawa with him, said that more than half of Japanese residents in the country were in Lagos, adding that he was pleased there had not been any untoward security report.

He, therefore, promised that the embassy would work out plans to assist the police with training and gadgets. “Security and protection of Japanese resident in Lagos is of great importance to us. I am very happy to be here. I appreciate the Commissioner for the corporation we have enjoyed so far”.

He further added that they had more than half of Japanese population in Nigeria living in Lagos and they had enjoyed collaboration from the police.

In his remarks, Edgal said the command was aware of Japanese population in the state and over 40 businesses.

“We are also aware a lot of Japanese businessmen will be coming to Lagos for the International Trade Fair in November,” he noted.

Therefore, the CP assured them that there would be continuous safety. “Let me assure you of the continuous safety of your nationals and other residents of the state. For those who will be attending the trade fair, they should have pleasurable moments in the state and enjoy Lagos night life”.

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