S/Korea Consul General Visits Tinubu, Presents Winter Games Torch

The Consul General of the South Korea Embassy in Nigeria, Younghaon Lee visited the Bourdillion residence of the former Governor of Lagos State, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu to present the model Torch of the 2018 Winter Olympics.

The Olympics tagged PyeongChang 2018 Games will be held from 9 – 25 February.

Lee said he visited the National Leader of the All Progressive Congress (APC) because his country saw in Tinubu a leader of repute who commands the respect of his people.

Presenting this Torch was to extend the friendship between my country and the government and people of Nigeria. More importantly, the Torch represents the symbol of the Olympics which will be held in PyeongChang County in February, the Consul General said. Lee said South Korea is ready to host the world during both the Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics.

Tinubu said he was elated with the kind gesture from the South Korean government. He said out of many important personalities in Nigeria, he could be singled out for the honour with the presentation of the Olympics Torch.

This Torch is symbiotic and significant to promote friendship between us and South Korea. We should not forget that sports is an economic contributor to our nation. I’m so happy with the qualifications of our athletes for the Winter Olympics despite the fact we don’t have winter here. We are so proud of the our athletes in diaspora for doing us proud.

The Winter Olympics this year is also significant with the participation of North Korea as this will promote peace in the Peninsula and the whole world in general.

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