LG Boss Laments Strange Killings in Niger

Laleye Dipo in Minna

The recent strange killings and corpses discovered in parts of Tafa Local Government Area of Niger State have become a source of worry to the local government chairman, Alhaji Ado Abubakar, who has called for more vigilance by both the security agencies in the area and people in the community.

It was said that mutilated bodies were almost on daily basis being recovered from bushes in the area without any trace of the identities of the corpses or their killers.

According to reports from the area, the activities of those described as “one chance drivers” could have been responsible for the development.

Already one suspected “one chance driver” was last Friday burnt to death by irate crowd in the Madalla area of the local government.

The council chairman has summoned an emergency meeting of political appointees and other stakeholders in the area to find a solution “to this dangerous and frightening trend”.

Abubakar told the meeting that “this is becoming a serious issue for us now because whenever they call us when a corpse is discovered in the bush, we always discover that the victims are strangled to death and then thrown into the bush by the perpetrators”.

“This is a challenge to the council because these incidents always begin from the Zuba park where people board vehicles. So, it is difficult for us to monitor and curtail it, we are working with security agencies to come up with measures to tackle it,” he said.

Abubakar therefore called on the people to be more vigilant by ensuring that people of questionable characters did not infiltrate the communities during and after the Christmas and New Year festivities.

According to him, “When you participate in ensuring the security of lives and property, the dividend is always positive. Through giving useful information to relevant authorities a lot is done security wise.

“The council is working with all security agencies to keep the relative peace enjoyed by residents of Tafa Local Government Area intact.”

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