Cosmic Events Amidst Mundane Pressures

By Okey Ikechukwu

As controversies rage over Emir Sanusi’s remarks about his resolve not to help the Tinubu government, as many people frown at the new inflation figures announced by the National Bureau of Statistics, as state governors strike a tentative agreement with The Presidency on tax reforms, and as the US is palpitating under a yet-to-be-inaugurated Trump government, wild fires are on rampage in many places. In addition, there are ongoing events in outer space that would give far greater cause for worry, if only more people knew about them.

Concerning the 2025 US wildfires, the impact on Los Angeles has been particularly devastating; with significant loss of life and property. The situation is still fluid as I write. Firefighters battling infernos on all fronts. The fires just keep spreading rapidly and somewhat unpredictably. Look at California. Look at Riverside, San Bernardino, and Ventura. There are other states with significant impacts, of course. Places like Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico have also experienced wildfires in 2025.

While it is true that containment efforts are progressing steadily, it is also true that strong winds are expected to pose challenges in the coming days. Many residents remain displaced due to mandatory evacuation orders. Many organizations and individuals are providing assistance to those affected by the fires. But more hands are needed. More that the foregoing, the helplessness of a presumably sophisticated and science and technology governed world with AI capacities is shockingly obvious.

As for the cosmic events hinted at in our opening paragraph, much has been going on in the cosmos that we know very little about. On October 5, last year it was said on this page: “We now have a second moon … merrily orbiting the earth …But it is not round. It is not big either. We would most probably not have seen it, or known about it, but for the advances in astronomy and related sciences.  Strictly speaking, this celestial wayfarer is an asteroid, suspected to have gotten here from a set of asteroids that are less than 200 million kilometres away from us”.

Coming now to the present, that is going beyond the matter of the new moon mentioned last year, it is now no news that the heavens will be adazzle with a rare planetary alignment in a few days’ time. The planets Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Mercury will all be “lined up” in the Elliptic, in a way that they have not done for a long time now. In a few days’ time.

For a planetary alignment to occur, three or more planets must gather closely on the same side of the Sun. But it is called, or considered, a conjunction when this happens with only two planets. And what we are going to witness is not a conjunction of two planets, but a confluence of eight!

Curiously, the year 2025 is replete with multiple planetary alignments. From the January 21 spectacle to the Main Event of January 25. Then there is the one of February 28. Come April i5, there would be a morning alignment of Neptune, Mercury, Saturn and Venus. And August 11 will give us yet another morning alignment of Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn! Why? Yes, why?

If we have coming the rare, and much talked about, alignment of January 25, why is there another one preceding it by just three days? What is the buildup about? Why after the January 21 large alignment of Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Venus, and Saturn? Is there any special significance, scientific or otherwise, attached to these planetary alignments? What is this planetary alignment overload for 2025?

Recall that the official view when the asteroid, named Apophis, approached and then sped past the earth last year was that it posed no threat to life here on earth. This was a sensible thing to say, because the asteroid actually did not impact our planet or bother anyone in any way that one could point to. But what if it did, but in ways we could not point to physically?

That the asteroid did not physically impact the earth is not the same thing as saying that its presence and proximity, no matter how temporary, could not have “possibly” had some effects on life on earth? And to think that Apophis is actually the name of the Egyptian god of Chaos! How comforting is that?

In the aforementioned piece on the earth’s new moon of last year, it was said: “The tides we experience in all bodies of water on earth are caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun. At the Bay of Fundy in Canada, where you have the biggest tide in the world, the difference between low and high tide could be as much as 16.3 metres. But leaving all that, and coming to the simple matter of tides and what causes them, we should simply note that there won’t be high and low tides if there was no moon”.

So, consider this view in both scientific and quasi scientific circles, to wit: “The alignment of several planets is believed to amplify the energies of these planets, prompting changes, introspection, opportunity, and transformation across the globe and across all zodiac signs”. So, what does the coming cosmic spectacle portend?

Rare planetary alignments have been historically linked with significant energy shifts; with implications for people’s emotions, political and social transformations, changes in the physical environment, upheavals in nature, new twists in relationships and possible global changes.

That Yahoo News report of July 30, 2024, about a killer asteroid heading towards the earth, with the title, “Preparations Underway as ‘Planet Killer’ Asteroid, the Size of Cruise Ship, Nears Earth”, made many people to think of a looming disaster. The asteroid would have completely destroyed a big country in one fell swoop if it struck land. It would have triggered floods and tsunamis across beaches and coastal cities all over the world if it struck the ocean instead of land.

And this asteroid, which was first discovered 20 years ago, is expected to pass by the earth again in 2029; and then again in 2036. What will it bring then? Will come any closer to the earth then? Will it, perhaps, impact eh earth; even if partially? We do not know.

Think back to the recent the solar eclipse that attracted less attention than one believed it should have. It came and went. An innocuous news time, no doubt. It made headlines in random and recondite journals of related sciences and nothing more.

Yet that eclipse along with a comet called the Devil Comet by scientists and astronomers. The latter was visible during the eclipse. Why such a name? Yes, why would anyone call a comet Devil Comet within the domain of science and not science fiction or witchcraft? And is it true that astronomers have also recently discovered, or at least are strongly speculating about, another planet within our solar system? Just asking; even though the answer is out there in the public domain.

Because we are all very busy grubbing in mud and sand, like worms, unwilling or unable to raise our heads and think or see more clearly, we may be facing grave dangers from intergalactic radiation that we are totally unaware. And these dangers may just be lurking or prancing all over the place, and in ways, in ways that we are not capable of fathoming.

Since we are living in a world, universe and comic environment that has long since been scientifically confirmed to be nothing more than a network of interconnected radiations, it is time we stopped taking our physicality more seriously that we ought to. Truth is: We cannot really say for sure what the effects of new heavenly bodies on earth and its magnetic field might be.

If we are to take astrologers and seers seriously and consider interplanetary alignments to be moments of amplified energy in our cosmic environment, then we must go further with them and say that these alignments are also often linked with transformations, innovations, and heightened intuitive insights and much more. If January 2025 will bring intense shifts, then with Venus and Mars playing key roles, as the planet of love, and the planet of passion, respectively – setting the stage for self-revelations of various sorts across all spheres.

It is a matter of record that significant interplanetary alignments had coincided in the past with some major global or cultural shifts, including scientific breakthroughs and artistic renaissances; such that they are often seen as heralds of change. But what time of change are we talking about here?

Which brings us to Climate change, which was discussed in he earlier mentioned article. We cannot stop pointing out the fact the 2021 Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Sixth Assessment “gave clear evidence of a steady increase in rainfall in some regions of the world”. Here in Nigeria, no one could explain the type of extended rainy season we experienced last year.

We know that industrial activities lead to rising global temperatures, heat waves, and other climatic and environmental problems. Last June, alone some parts of Europe and Canda faced devastation from wildfires. This year worse fires are gulping up sophisticated cities and technologically stable neighbourhoods.

If the world’s glaciers lost their ice at the rate of 267 billion tonnes per annum, between 2000 and 2019, what dos that say about the overall temperature of the earth and the rate of global warming? With global ice melting very rapidly and increasing sea levels worldwide, will the flooding of coastal cities not be on the increase? Are some earthquakes and volcanic eruptions not traceable to ecologically disruptive human activities?

With rising temperatures leading to a warmer atmosphere and the latter retaining more water vapour and delivering higher levels of rainfall, should we expect htat all would be well.

One thing is clear: we no longer live in a normal world. we no longer live in the cosmic environment of the past. New celestial visitors are coming around here rather too frequently for us to continue to take things for granted. There seems to be a direct connection between the increasing events in our immediate cosmic environment and the increasing confusion and turmoil in human affairs all over the world today.

We shall take up these matters in the new Dailogue Series, to be announced soon.

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