Empowering Katsina MSMEs for Sustainable Development 

Through tailored programmes and seed capital funding, Governor Dikko Umaru Radda, is empowering MSMEs in Katsina State with feasible business ideas for a viable economic growth. Writes Francis Sardauna 

In recent years, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have emerged as key drivers of economic development in Nigeria. These enterprises play a crucial role in fostering innovation, creating employment opportunities thereby contributing to overall economic growth of the nation.

As growth agents for economic viability, MSMEs have stimulated business activities in the economy, and also encouraged economic activities among the unbanked population, thereby encouraging financial inclusion.

While the potential of these MSMEs in the country is immense, the enterprises face various challenges that hinder their growth. Limited access to finance, inadequate infrastructure and regulatory barriers are among the primary hurdles faced by these MSMEs. 

Recognising these challenges, Governor Dikko Umaru Radda of Katsina State, has designed and commenced implementation of effective strategies and support mechanisms aimed at stemming the impediments and creating an enabling environment for the MSMEs to thrive in the state.

One of the enviable strategies initiated and implemented by the governor is the creation of the Katsina State Enterprise Development Agency (KASEDA) to address the highlighted challenges faced by MSMEs in the state.

The agency headed by an ingenious woman, Hajiya Aisha Aminu Abdullahi-Malumfashi, is fostering entrepreneurship, innovation and economic growth essential support and resources to aspiring entrepreneurs as well as existing businesses, promoting job creation and economic diversification.

KASEDA is making thousands of citizens self-reliant and financially independent, driving economic development, tackling unemployment and improving their socio-economic wellbeing in fulfilment of Governor Radda’s campaign promise of providing robust support for enterprise development within the state.

Serving as a cornerstone in building sustainable business and thriving economic environment, the state government through the agency, recently launched a N5 billion MSMEs growth fund and Dikko Business Development Service (Dikko BDS) to enhance the economic landscape of the state.

The loan scheme is not only aimed at ensuring the sustainability of the small and medium enterprises in the state, but will contribute significantly to the economic profitability of the home of “Heritage and Hospitality” thereby taming the financial challenges affecting entrepreneurs.

Under the first-of-its-kind MSMEs growth fund, the state government has injected the sum of N3 billion as a managed and matching funds, while the Bank of Industry (BOI) will be providing another N2 billion matching fund, totalling N5 billion in order to stimulate economic growth.

As a pilot loan scheme, the Radda-led government has already identified 10 MSMEs with growth potentials in each of the 34 local government areas of the state through a well-scrutinised needs assessment for transparency and accountability of the widely accepted life-changing programme.

However, the Dikko BDS is another intervention programme of the “People’s Governor” poised to transform the economic landscape of the state. It is carefully designed to provide tailored support and comprehensive business development services to the state’s MSMEs, particularly in destitute communities.

This initiative will further equip entrepreneurs with the prerequisite tools, knowledge and resources they need to drive their businesses. Through the programme, the state government is committed to assisting the entrepreneurs with advisory services, vigorous training, facilitating their access to financial resources, market, legal and regulatory compliance support.

As a governor who always matches words with actions, Radda has identified 136 BDS Corp volunteers (four per LGA) in the first phase of the programme across the 34 local government areas of the state. The beneficiaries who are staffers of the local governments, are to be subjected to continuous training to take up the additional responsibilities.

The Dikko BDS initiative is believed to enkindle the state’s economic activity, create jobs, and improve living standards, empower rural dwellers, foster self-reliance and contribute to the overall development of Katsina state.

While unveiling the N5 billion MSMEs growth fund and Dikko Business Development Service, Governor Radda said the two initiatives are primarily aimed at providing the much-needed financial support tailored to the needs of MSMEs and complemented by comprehensive business development support services. 

The governor said the programmes will enable businesses to expand their operations, invest in new technologies, improve competitiveness, create jobs and reduce unemployment, adding that the initiatives will address security challenges, poverty levels and strengthen the state’s local economy.

He said: “You will agree with me that economic instability and lack of opportunities are significant contributors to insecurity in our communities. When individuals struggle for livelihood, the allure of criminal activities can become strong. 

“By upscaling MSMEs and creating economic opportunities using these initiatives, more jobs will be created, poverty levels will reduce and our local economy will be strengthened. This will naturally lead to economic inclusivity thereby bridging the gap between different socio-economic groups, fostering social harmony and reducing criminality.

“These ambitious initiatives represent a holistic approach to economic development. By combining financial support with comprehensive business development services, we are creating a powerful mechanism to enhance the performance of loans, drive business success, and build a sustainable economic future for Katsina State.”

Governor Radda, however, said often times businesses struggle with financial management, strategic planning, and operational efficiency, leading to suboptimal use of financial resources, but the embedding of the Dikko BDS Corp and the MSMEs growth fund monitoring and evaluation framework is to address the challenges head-on. 

He expressed optimism that the initiative will significantly enhance the performance of loans and entrepreneurs will be better equipped to utilise financial resources effectively, leading to higher repayment rates and reduced default risks. 

Radda therefore admonished Katsina entrepreneurs to embrace the initiatives with enthusiasm and commitment, as his government worked towards unlocking their full potential and pave the way for a brighter, safer, and more prosperous future for all. 

In her remarks, the Director-General of KASEDA, Hajiya Aisha Aminu Abdullahi-Malumfashi, described MSMEs as the engine room for economic growth, sources of employment and catalysts for innovation in the country.

She said the MSMEs embody the spirit of resilience and creativity that propels the nation forward, adding however that despite their vital role, MSMEs face a myriad of challenges that hinder their growth and potential.

Malumfashi said: “Today, we have taken a decisive step to bridge this gap with the introduction of the N5 MSMEs Funds. This fund is not merely a financial instrument; it is a beacon of hope and a promise of support to our entrepreneurs. It symbolises our belief in their potential and our commitment to their success.”

She added that the N5 billion MSMEs fund is designed to provide accessible and affordable financing options tailored to the unique needs of MSMEs, reiterating that the fund will provide the necessary financial support to entrepreneurs irrespective of their business status.

The KASEDA DG further explained that the agency is dedicated to ensuring that the allocation of the funds is transparent, equitable and impactful thereby fostering a culture of trust and accountability.

“I am filled with optimism and excitement as we embark on this journey. The N5 billion MSMEs fund and the DIKKO BDS represent a new chapter for our MSMEs, one where their potential is fully realised, and their contributions are recognised and celebrated. Let us embrace this opportunity to drive growth, innovation, and prosperity for our nation”, she added.

With these various initiatives aimed at improving the state’s economic ecosystem, the Radda-led government is providing training, mentorship and financial support to entrepreneurs, equipping them with the skills and resources needed to succeed.

Hence, the state government has partnered with the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria to renovate, upscale, equip and take over the running of the Industrial Development Centre (IDC) located in the state.

Already, the Radda’s administration has provided common facilities in the areas of tailoring machines, garment printing and sequinning, leather works, various packaging machines for grains, powder, paste and liquids as well as agricultural processing machines, including dryers, spice blenders, industrial dry and wet grinders.

His government is currently giving the access road and other facilities a facelift and thereafter it will be officially inaugurated for public use, while arrangements are on the pipeline to extend this common facility to Daura and Funtua senatorial zones for better results.

Therefore, by investing in the growth of SMEs, Governor Dikko Umaru Radda is committed to  harnessing the power of entrepreneurship to address pressing challenges, build resilience, and foster inclusive economic development.

Furthermore, as these enterprises continue to evolve and expand, they will undoubtedly play a central role in shaping the future trajectory of the state.


By upscaling MSMEs and creating economic opportunities using these initiatives, more jobs will be created, poverty levels will reduce and our local economy will be strengthened. This will naturally lead to economic inclusivity thereby bridging the gap between different socio-economic groups, fostering social harmony and reducing criminality

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