
·         When does the silliness stop? It’s hard to tell which is worse, Gender reveal parties or an attempt to ban them as is proposed in Britain. Strangely for such a modern approach there seems to only be pink or blue versions whereas there are a number of other ways people identify themselves.


·         In the more saner times, a doctor or nurse would say what the birth gender was and word would spread swiftly amongst the community. Now, as YouTube will verify, there are numerous approaches, seemingly for Social Media usage, and not all of them safe much less sensible.


·         The ever informative Wikipedia adds more details including, numerous fires and a few deaths from flying components. 


·         Surely just telling granny will be faster, more effective, and less dangerous. Banning people from doing stupid things, especially if they get likes, has been shown to be virtually impossible. 




·         Dennis Fitzgerald,

·         Melbourne, Australia

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