WISCAR in Partnership with Canon Central and North Africa Launches “Women Who Empower” Campaign

Canon Central and North Africa, a global leader in imaging and print solutions, is proud to announce the launch of the Women Who Empower 2024 programme in Nigeria in collaboration with Women in Successful Careers (WISCAR), a non-profit organisation based in Lagos, focused on empowering and developing professional women in Nigeria and beyond. Together, they offer the WIN-with-WISCAR Mentoring Programme, providing career advice, guidance, and support to young professional women.

This transformative initiative aims to uplift and support women in the imaging and print industries through workshops, mentorship opportunities, and networking events, tailored to promote the growth and advancement of women in these fields. The ‘Women Who Empower’ campaign falls under Canon’s ‘Future of People’ theme and the ‘Inclusion and Diversity’ pillar. Aligned with this year’s International Women’s Day theme of “Inspire Inclusion”, the initiative aims to empower women by providing a platform to showcase their work, enabling access to necessary tools, and helping them excel through investment and training programmes.

“We are thrilled to partner with WISCAR in Nigeria to unlock the potential of women in the imaging and print industries in Africa. This collaboration exemplifies Canon’s unwavering commitment to leveraging our resources for the greater good. Skills development and empowerment of women are not just beneficial but critical for the advancement of our society and economy,” says Somesh Adukia, Managing Director of Canon Central and North Africa.

“By joining forces, we can create meaningful opportunities for women to thrive professionally, contribute to gender equality, and drive economic growth. Together, we are poised to make a significant impact on the advancement of women in our communities and beyond.”

Canon’s corporate philosophy is deeply rooted in the concept of Kyosei, which embodies the idea of living and working together for the common good. Canon’s overarching mission extends beyond mere profitability to encompass serving communities and adding value to people’s lives. In Africa, this philosophy translates into tangible actions aimed at empowering women in various spheres. By providing platforms for women to develop their skills and grow, the company champions inclusion and diversity in the photography industry.

Mrs. Amina Oyagbola, Founder & Chairperson WISCAR says, “WISCAR is excited to partner with Canon to empower women in the imaging and print industries. This collaboration underscores our commitment to providing women with the resources and opportunities they need to succeed in their professional endeavours. Together, we will pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable society in Nigeria.” The organisation continues to break new ground in its mission to empower professional women and contribute to the development and growth of Nigeria and Africa. Recently, WISCAR partnered with Canon to host an exclusive workshop tagged “Women Who Empower,” further solidifying its commitment to nurturing and developing female leaders in various industries.

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