Education Group Commends Minister for  Performance, Harmony with ASUU

Sunday Okobi

The Sahara Education Development Initiative (SEDI), a non-profit organisation in the education sector, has commended the Minister of Education, Prof. Tahir Mamman, “for the outstanding performance observed in Nigeria’s education sector under your leadership

The group, consisting of seasoned scholars and critical minds, expressed the commendation in a statement made available to journalists yesterday by its Executive Director, Prince Arthur Nwakanma.

He stated that “in our periodic assessments based on cutting edge research and UNESCO key performance index of the education sector in selected African countries, including Nigeria, our team of experts and stakeholders has noted significant achievements within a remarkably short period since your appointment.

“Therefore, we would like to express our sincere commendation for the outstanding performance observed in Nigeria’s education sector under your leadership as the Minister of Education of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

“The challenges and disharmony that plagued the education sector, exemplified by the eight-month strike of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) during the previous administration, caused serious damage and setbacks. However, your leadership has effectively changed the narrative with your renewed hope mantra and visionary strategic plans for education in Nigeria.”

The statement added: “Your extensive background and experience in academia, both administratively and in management, make your appointment by President Bola Tinubu, a fitting choice, demonstrating a perfect alignment of skills and responsibilities.

“We are particularly impressed by your firm commitments to key policy measures aimed at advancing the education sector’s role in national growth and development. Your initiatives include increased investment in the sector, enhanced transparency and accountability in service delivery, incentives to promote higher education, and prioritisation of enrolling out-of-school children. Your progressive leadership, strategic thinking, and engagement with critical stakeholders reflect a genuine dedication to realizing these objectives.”

Nwakanma stated that the minister’s active participation in negotiations with ASUU and the federal government to address issues relating to the welfare of university teachers, salary increases, university autonomy, and academic freedoms “is commendable. This commitment aligns with the president’s vision to eliminate industrial crises in the sector, and the fruitful discussions thus far, including the gradual clearance of salary backlogs and the removal of universities and polytechnics from IPPIS, indicate significant progress and stability in tertiary institutions.

“We have no other choice than to applaud your efforts to revitalise the education ministry’s role in shaping the future of youths and the knowledge industry in Nigeria. With your leadership, we anticipate a future marked by industrial peace, harmony, and progress in the educational sector. We extend our best wishes for your continued service to the ministry and the country.”

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