Insecurity: Plateau Launches 34 New Hilux Vans to Boost Community Vigilance

Seriki Adinoyi in Jos

In a strategic move to bolster security in Plateau State, the state Governor Caleb Mutfwang, has officially launched 34 Hilux vans to reinforce community vigilance.

A statement signed by the governor’s Director of Press and Public Affairs (DOPPA), Mr. Gyang Bere, revealed that the vehicles were procured through the collaborative efforts of the 17 Local Government Transition Implementation Committee chairmen, as part of efforts to ensure a seamless deployment of security personnel across the local government areas.

At the launching ceremony held yesterday at the Old Government House, Rayfield in Jos, the governor reportedly reiterated his administration’s unwavering commitment to secure lives and property, with a particular focus on rural communities in the state, emphasising the paramount importance of security as the foundation for any meaningful development.

He said: “This marks the initiation of our commitment to reshape the security architecture on the Plateau.” 

“The state government will soon introduce additional measures to support security agencies in effectively executing their duties statewide.”

Assuring the citizens of the state, Mutfwang said: “We are actively working to fulfill our constitutional responsibility of safeguarding lives and property. Our determination knows no bounds, and we will continue striving to ensure effective discharge of this duty.”

The governor extended his gratitude to the council chairmen for pooling resources to enhance the security and well-being of the citizens, encouraging them to intensify their efforts in the best interest of the people.

Presenting the security vehicles to the governor, the state Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Hon. Ephraim Usman, said the gesture was aimed at assisting security personnel to respond promptly to security challenges within their respective local government areas.

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