UK Commits £100m to Climate Change in Vulnerable Countries

Michael Olugbode in Abuja

The United Kingdom Government has made commitments to help vulnerable countries strengthen their resilience to the increasingly frequent and severe effects of climate change.

The commitment was made at the ongoing COP28 Summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), according to a statement.

It said the International Development and Africa Minister, Andrew Mitchell announced £100 million to support some of the most climate-vulnerable countries tackle climate change.

The statement added that this will support an initiative to strengthen early warning systems in countries on the front line of climate change, giving people advanced warning of cyclones, flooding and other extreme weather so they can move away from danger, saving lives and protecting vulnerable communities.

The statement added that the funding will also help make healthcare in the areas more resilient and able to withstand disasters, like floods, and ready to deal with spikes in infectious diseases, like cholera and malaria, due to floods caused by climate change.

Recognising the urgency of the situation, which forces 26 million into poverty every year, the UK government also joined calls for bolder collective action to protect the lives, health and livelihoods of those most impacted by climate change.

This, it said, supports the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, who announced major funding for climate projects and stressing the need for ambitious, innovative and pragmatic action.

International Development and Africa Minister Andrew Mitchell, said: “The devastating effects of climate change hit the most vulnerable the hardest.

“These funding commitments will help countries and people be better prepared and protected against extreme weather events and natural disasters. They will help roll out measures such as early warning systems, and open up access to climate finance to build resilient health services.

“The UK will continue to press for a bold and ambitious approach to support those on the frontline of our changing climate, and to create a safer planet for us all.”

On behalf of the UK,  Mitchell endorsed the ‘Getting Ahead of Disasters’ Charter, the ‘COP28 Declaration on Relief, Recovery and Peace’, and the ‘COP28 Declaration on Climate and Health’.

Speaking at COP28, he outlined details of the funding package, which include Nearly £20 million for a package of disaster risk financing and early warning systems.

“This will help the one-third of the world’s population who are not covered by early warning systems to prepare for climate shocks and extreme weather, reducing disaster-related mortality and damage. It will also provide affordable insurance against climate disasters, such as droughts,” the statement said.

Besides, it stressed that there was another funding of £36 million for climate action in the Middle East and North Africa to support long-term climate stability.

“ This will mobilise $500 million for clean energy and green growth projects, support 450,000 people to adapt to climate change, and support 200,000 women in better protecting their families from climate shocks. This delivers on the UK’s commitment to scale up pre-arranged finance for crisis recovery,” it added.

Over £4.4 million, the statement said, had also been provided to improve access to climate finance for Small Island Developing States and enable them to adapt to the impacts of climate change, with support from the Global Environment Facility’s Special Climate Change Fund and the Alliance of Small Island States.

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