US Agency Rallies MRS on Business Growth, Reaffirms Commitment to Boosting Nigeria’s Blue Economy

Peter Uzoho

The Senior Coordinator for Atlantic Cooperation at the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs of the United State Department, Jessye Lapenn, yesterday visited MRS Holdings in Apapa, Lagos, in continuation of her meetings with key stakeholders of the Nigerian business community.

Lapenn, who on Tuesday, met with the Nigerian government in furtherance of the Atlantic Cooperation Partnership, a move intended to tap into the opportunities inherent in the marine economy, reiterated the commitment of her country towards supporting MRS’ business and Nigeria’s economy.

Speaking to journalists at the sidelines of her visit to the company, she recalled that the US Secretary of State and the Government of Nigeria represented by the Minister of Blue Economy and 31 other countries had launched a partnership for Atlantic Cooperation last two weeks in New York.

“My first stop since the launch of the partnership is to come here to Nigeria. I spent yesterday (Tuesday) with the government and today I’m in Lagos really listening and learning to understand all that Nigeria is already doing in the Atlantic Cooperation and on the opportunities that exist”, the ambassador said.

“Critical of course in cooperation is not just government, it’s people, it’s companies, it’s organisations. And so, I’ve been visiting MRS now just to really get a sense of what’s happening and again, where we might look to grow cooperation,” she added.

Lapenn, noted that the impression she got during her outings in Nigeria was, “really positive”, adding, “What’s happening here is very exciting. There’s a lot about the energy and enthusiasm, and I’m very much looking forward to figuring out how we can join in and partner.”

Also speaking to journalists, the Chairman of MRS Holdings, Patrice Alberti, said the visit of the US diplomat to the company was encouraging, adding that the US still has appetite to see the company succeed.

Alberti stated, “Of course, it’s very exciting to see the Ambassador actually took her time to visit us here and to see what we are doing. It’s very encouraging. This is the second ambassador that has been here from the beginning and we can see that they still have appetite to make sure that we succeed. I’m really not a good speaker when it comes to public speaking but all I can say is to thank her for taking out time to come.”

He said the US had always stood behind the company every step of the way in the business operation in Nigeria.

“The Ambassador came in here when nobody came and of course, it is also good for them to come and see what we have done in the last six to seven years. And you (journalists) actually visited the factory with us and you saw what we have done for your country.

 “We can actually seriously take the country to a much brighter future. So, the factory speaks for itself and the product you see in the market can tell you the quality that people can buy and use”, Alberti added.

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