Niger Military Junta Justifies Sack of President Bazoum, Agrees to Dialogue With Nigeria’s Intervention Team 

* Says Bazoum’s removal was to avert imminent threat that would have affected Nigeria too

* Laments ECOWAS leaders didn’t hear junta’s side of the story before issuing ultimatum

Deji Elumoye in Abuja 

The military junta that overthrew President Mohamed Bazoum of Niger Republic on July 26, 2023, has justified the change of government in the country.

The leader of the junta, Gen. Abdourahmane Tchiani, who spoke in Niamey, capital of Niger weekend while receiving in audience Nigeria’s Intervention Team led by Sheik Bala Lau, said the military intervention was informed by imminent threat to both Niger and Nigeria which had to be averted.

Lau, who is the National Chairman of Jamatul Izalatu Bida Waikamatu Sunnah, quoted Gen. Tchiani as explaining the rationale behind the coup in a statement he issued in Abuja on Sunday.

He said Tchiani, who accorded the team a warm reception, claimed the coup was well intended, adding that they struck to stave off an imminent threat that would have affected not only Niger Republic but also Nigeria.

Lau said the junta welcomed the Nigerian team’s intervention, adding that their doors were open to explore diplomacy and peace in resolving the matter.

According to the release, Tchiani, however, said it was painful to the coup leaders that the ECOWAS leaders did not hear their side of the matter before issuing ultimatum to them to quit office.

He also apologised for not according the team sent by President Bola Tinubu led by a former Head of State, Gen. Abdulsalami Abubakar (rtd), the required attention because they were angry about the ECOWAS ultimatum.

While tracing the historical ties between the two nations, Tchiani said Niger Republic and Nigeria were not only neighbours but brothers and sisters who should resolve issues amicably.

Speaking earlier, Sheik Lau said the team had earlier told President Tinubu, who is also the Chairman of Authority of ECOWAS Heads of State and Government, that their position is that the political impasse in Niger be resolved through dialogue.

He therefore told Tchiani that the visit to Niger was to engage in constructive dialogue to encourage him and other military leaders behind the coup to toe the path of peace instead of war to resolve the crisis. 

Nigeria’s Intervention Team, comprising prominent Islamic scholars in the country at the end of their meeting with the coup leaders in Niger, agreed to intensify the option of dialogue in resolving the political crisis in the country.

The Islamic Ulammas met with Tchiani for several hours in Niger’s capital, Niamey, during which they deliberated on all the issues including the demand by ECOWAS leaders that former President Bazoum be reinstated.

Speaking with newsmen in Niamey after the meeting, a member of the intervention team and Chief Missioner of Ansarudeen Society of Nigeria, Sheik Ahmad Abdulrahman, said contrary to reports in some sections of the media, the team was well received by Tchiani and both parties had fruitful discussions.

He said: “We will now go back home and report to President Tinubu what we have discussed and press it on him that war is not an option in resolving the matter. 

“We believe that war is an ill wind that will not blow any good and that peaceful resolution should prevail.”

The team, comprising scholars from various Islamic sects in the country, include Sheik Kabiru Gombe-Secretary, Jamatul izalatul bida waikamatul sunnah; Sheik Yakubu Musa Hassan Katsina, Director Daawah, JIBWIS; Sheik Ibrahim Dahiru Bauchi representing Sheik Ibrahim Bauchi and Dr Khalid Aliya, Secretary General, Jammatul Nasril Islam.

Others included Sheik Karibullah Nasiru Kabara, Leader, Khadriya group Nigeria; Sheik Ahmad Abdurahman, Professor Salisu Sheri, Deputy Secretary-General, Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs; Sheik Nasiru Abdul Muhayuid; Director Admin, JIBWIS Jos;  Professor Mansur Sokoto, and Alhaji Mele Kyari.

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