EFCC Quizzes Ex- Gov Fayemi over Alleged N4bn Fraud

By Hammed Shittu in Ilorin

The immediate past Governor of Ekiti State, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, was on Thursday quizzed by the Ilorin zonal office  of the  Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) over alleged money laundering and misappropriation of N4billion.

The anti-graft agency had in a letter dated May 12 invited the former governor to appear in its Ilorin zonal office on May 18 over allegations bordering on money laundering and misappropriation of public funds.

Sources close to the anti graft agency said the ex- governor gaves excuses why he could not appear until today. 

Sources also.told our correspondent in Ilorin  that Fayemi arrived at the EFCC facility at about 10.am  and was grilled by EFCC.

According to the source, “EFCC is interrogating the former governor over allegations of misappropriation of N4billion and money laundering”.

The probe is said to be connected to the handling of funds during his tenure as governor of Ekiti.

A senior officer of the EFCC who sought anonymity confirmed the quizzing of the ex-governor of Ekiti State.

He however said that, “As you are talking to me now, ex-governor Fayemi is still at our office answering some questions on the alleged N4billion fraud”.

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