Eid-el-Fitr: Betara Greets Muslim Faithful, Prays for Peaceful Co-existence

Udora Orizu in Abuja 

The leading Aspirant for the position of the Speaker in the 10th Assembly, Rt.  Hon. Aliyu Muktar Betara has rejoiced with President Muhammadu Buhari, President-elect, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Vice-President-elect Senator Kashim Shettima and all Muslim faithful on the occasion of Eid-el-Fitr.

Hon. Betara who doubles as Chairman, House Committee on Appropriations, in a statement issued to commemorate the end of the holy month of Ramadan, also enjoined all Muslim Faithful to sustain the good deeds exhibited during the holy month and continue to practice the teachings of prophet Muhammad (S. A. W).

While noting that Ramadan has taught all Faithful on how to live a selfless and Godly life, Betara who represents

Biu/Bayo/Shani/Kwaya Kusar Federal Constituency of Borno State in the House of Representatives underscored the need for peaceful co-existence and the unity of Nigeria. 

He said: “I wish to enjoin all Muslim Faithful to moderate during the celebration of Eid-el-Fitr and continue to extend love to one another, especially the less-privileged in our Society. We should also sustain virtues of self-discipline, sacrifice and compassion to fellow Nigerians, irrespective of religion, tribe or race.”

Betara also prayed for the peace and unity of Nigeria, calling on all Nigerians to join hands in Nation building.

“I wish to enjoin all Nigerian Citizens to pray Almighty Allah to continue to guide and lead our leaders aright in the journey of nation building,” he added 

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