Highest Bill Sponsor, Abass, to Declare for House Speakership

Juliet Akoje in Abuja

A member of the House of Representatives, Hon. Tajudeen Abass, who has sponsored the highest number of bills in the current Assembly is set to declare for  Speaker of the 10th Assembly.

Hon Abass, who represents Zaria Federal constituency of Kaduna state of North West is the Chairman of the House Committee on Land Transport.

Tajudeen Abass,  who is leading the bill sponsorship chart with 78 bills in the 9th Assembly will be formally making known his intention to vie for the position of speaker very soon.

In the 8th Assembly (2015-2019)), Abass came third with 43 bills and 13 motions and with 20 of his bills assented to so far.

Abass is the lawmaker with the highest number of bills, which have been assented to by the president and  that it is alleged that his governor, Mallam Ahmed  El-Rufai of Kaduna state is seriously backing his aspiration.

A source close to the lawmaker said:”I want to confirm to you that Rt. Hon. Tajudeen Abass will soon be making his intention to contest for speaker. known to everyone. He is the best lawmaker in terms of lawmaking in the National Assembly.

“Remember, the primary function of legislators is lawmaking and Rt  Hon. Tajudeen Abass has sponsored 78 bills, which is the highest in this Assembly. In the 8th House, he came third with 43 bills and 13 motions.”

The source further said; “This is the man for the job and Governor Nasir Ahmed El-Rufai is solidly behind his aspiration  because Hon. Abass is a good product and Kaduna state is offering the nation the best to lead the House of Representatives “

However, the lawmaker, who has been reelected for the third time holds a diploma in accounting, B.Sc. in Business Administration an MBA, all from the Ahmadu Bello University,  Zaria and a Ph.D. in Business Management from the Usman Dan Fodio University, Sokoto.

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