Anyim Mourns Obiozor, Describes Him As A Rare Patriot

Chuks Okocha in Abuja

Former Senate President and Secretary to the Government of Federation, Anyim Pius Anyim, has expressed shock over the death of the President General of Ohanaeze Ndigbo, Prof. George Obiozor, describing him as a rare patriot.

In the condolence message he signed, Anyim said that when he took ill, “we all prayed and were hopeful that he would recover. His passing, therefore, is indeed a very huge loss, not only to his immediate family, Ndigbo and Nigeria but also the International diplomatic community.

“Prof. Obiozor, an erudite scholar, intellectual and diplomat, served Nigeria, Ndigbo and humanity with uncommon dedication, commitment, integrity and selflessness. He was one leader who had the courage of his convictions and always expressed his views on national issues with boldness, clarity, candour and high sense of responsibility.

“He was a very amiable and pleasant gentleman, with an exceptional sense of humour. He had a way of making people, irrespective of their social standing, comfortable around him. 

“As President General of Ohanaeze Ndigbo, at a very challenging time in the history of Ndigbo, Prof. Obiozor brought his incisive intellect, capacity, resourcefulness, deep understanding of issues, exposure and wide contacts to bear on the management of the affairs of Ndigbo. 

 “He, together with his compatriots from other parts of Nigeria, elevated, to a national agenda, the discourse on the imperatives of justice, equity, fairness and inclusiveness as the foundation upon which a peaceful, stable and egalitarian society must be built,” Anyim stated.

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