‘Financial Literacy, Crucial to Closing Financial Exclusion Gap’

Nume Ekeghe

The Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of 9 Payment Service Bank (9PSB), Branka Mracajac has emphasised that financial literacy is an important tool in enhancing financial inclusion in Nigeria.

Mracajac said this at the master class session on, “Environment, Social, Governance & Risk Management for the Fintech Ecosystem – A Focus on Fintech and Financial Inclusion,” at the Nigeria Fintech Week 2022 Conference in Lagos.

She said: “We take pride in educating the financially excluded and the unbanked, letting them know why they should be part of the formal financial ecosystem. Financial inclusion is not just about opening a bank account, but it is about individuals and businesses having access to useful, affordable financial services.

“At 9PSB, we are building the bridge between those who are financially excluded and financial institutions, including the deposit money banks, by providing access, collecting data and educating the financially excluded.  Our bank is eager for all Nigerians to access financial solutions. We are open to partnerships with financial service providers and banks and deliberately seeking out and providing opportunities for students and youths to learn.”

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