Religious Leaders Urge FG to End Kidnapping, Killings Nationwide

Emma Okonji and Becky Uba Umenyili

The National Association of Directors of Religious Education (NADRE) has called on the federal government to address the painful concern of the citizens worried about the unhealthy wave of destructions and murderous bloodletting and kidnapping in the country.

The association made the call during the one weeklong National Catechetical Week programme, which ended yesterday.

The programme, which has the theme: “Lord, Do You Not Care That We Are Perishing”, was held across the nation by the body which is an arm of the Catholic church.

The National Vice Chairman of NADRE, Rev. Albert Ebosele, observed that the challenges were triggered by dissatisfaction and frustration caused by poverty in the system.

The body also called on the church to collaborate with civil societies and agencies in order to sanitise the system, which it noted, was bedevilled with gross insecurity, ritual killings, banditry, kidnapping for ransom and other vices.

He said that the hydra-headed problems that have beset the nation should not be seen as one that requires God’s intervention only by prayers but called on all to exhibit good attributes and patriotism.

According to the association, God has blessed Nigerians abundantly with every capability and endowment required for good governance.

The body called on all, leaders and subjects alike; to evolve better grassroots developments for national cohesion, security of lives and property peace and prosperity.

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