Over the last three decades, Oyo State has always been notorious for bloodletting, maiming and high profile killing whenever general election approaches. Some hoodlums would just offer themselves as ready-made tools and instruments of human destruction onto the hands of political leaders.

Tokyo reigned supreme during the PDP era of Senator Rasheed Ladoja/Otunba Alao-Akala. The NURTW warlord was indeed lord unto himself. For many years, he was inciting violence, chaos and pandemonium in the pacesetter state. On behalf of politicians, he maimed and destroyed at will. He was in control for so many years until his regime of horror was brought to a close by late Abiola Ajimobi. The man who thousands of people of the ancient city dread so much like a plague is lucky to be alive today.

After Tokyo came another king of hoodlums, Eleweomo. The modus operandi is the same. They create pandemonium and confusion and in the ensuing battle, they snuff life out of the perceived political foes. Eleweomo also established an imperial reign of terror for years in Ibadanland and beyond, until he met his waterloo in a crunchy battle.

Presently, another warlord with the name Auxiliary has emerged in the ancient city. His stock- in- trade is to always threaten fire and brimstones reminiscent of Tokyo and Eleweomo days and also, drumming it to the hearing of whoever cares to listen of his capacity to kill, destroy and maim. The strategy is essentially coercing political opponents into submission. 

Meanwhile, the news in the public domain is that, he’s working for the PDP government in the state, a fact that the government have not denied. 

He has not only picked on the APC gubernatorial candidate for the forthcoming general elections, Senator Folarin, he’s also promised to dispatch him to the great beyond.

The pertinent question we need to ask here is that, when has our nation turned into the land of blood suckers, hyena, hit-men and cannibals who at slightest provocation snuff life out of fellow countrymen simply for political reasons?      

It’s also tragic that this threat to life is being directed to no less a person than a distinguished senator of federal republic and governorship candidate of the nation’s ruling party in the state.

Must the entire nation wait for another dastard killing of a prominent Nigerian before the law enforcement agents and security forces swing into action and pick Auxiliary for questioning and perhaps prosecution for the havoc he and his group have committed in the state so far, as well as threats of killing that they’ve issued to their perceived political enemies?

The IGP as a matter of urgency needs to declare state of emergency on the security situation in the state by dispatching special squad into all the nooks and crannies of the state with a view to smoking out Auxiliary and his boys who have constituted menace and threat not only to the life of APC candidate, but also the entire citizenry of the state.

This is the only way that the police authority would not only attract the trust and confidence of Nigerians, but also reassure the people of the state that they’re alive to their constitutionally recognized responsibility.  

Nigeria democracy has come of age since the turn of fourth Republic in 1999. Politicians ought to have reconciled themselves with the new ethos of seeking and canvassing for support at polls instead of threatening fire and brimstones, as well as sending hoodlums and miscreants to would-be voters to forcefully attract their supports which is the present situation in the state. 

The IGP must seize this opportunity to institute orderliness and normalcy in the state, and re-assure law-abiding citizens of the state of the need to go about their daily undertakings without harassment and molestation from any quarter, not even from the agents of the government

Kola Amzat, FCA, FCIB,


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