Military Operations ‘ll Continue in Warring C’River Communities, Says Ayade

Bassey Inyang in Calabar

The Cross River State Governor, Professor Ben Ayade, has said that soldiers sent on trouble-shooting mission between the warring communities of Nko and Oyadama in Yakurr and Obubra Local Government Areas, respectively, will sustain their operations up until those who shot at six of the soldiers are apprehended.

Ayade stated this yesterday  in Calabar in the first official reaction of the state government to the communal crisis between both communities.

A press release to this effect signed by the Deputy Chief Press Secretary to Governor, Mr. Linus Obogo, also stated that Ayade has ordered the dethronement and de-certification of the Obol Lopon Nko, and the Clan Head of Oyadama.

The release stated that the ownership of the disputed land has been revoked and taken over by the state government for overriding public interest.

“Additionally, government has ordered the sustenance of army operation in Nko community until those behind the shooting of the six military personnel are produced or fished out,” the release stated.

 Nko community has been deserted following allegation that soldiers have invaded the community, a development that has resulted in the death of some persons and the burning of residential and commercial buildings and other properties.

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