Party Primaries: Gbajabiamila Blames Lawmakers’ Defeat on Delegate System

Udora Orizu

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila has accrued the failure of many lawmakers in the 9th National Assembly to secure return ticket ahead of 2023 general elections on the delegate system of candidates selection at the just concluded party primaries.
The lawmakers had last year amended the Electoral Act making provision for only direct primary as the mode for selection of candidates for elective positions by political parties. The Bill was however rejected and sent back to the parliament by President Muhammadu Buhari, who insisted on direct, indirect and consensus.
Delivering his remarks at the resumption of plenary on Tuesday, Gbajabiamila opined that his colleagues who lost out at the primaries did not lose because they were rejected by their constituents, but because of the process (delegate system) which members of the House of Representatives foresaw.
This delegate system, he lamented made many lawmakers to lose out because they were not given a fair shot, as the process is not what it’s supposed to be. 
He however enjoined his colleagues to set aside their feelings about recent electoral experiences and focus on serving the mandate they still have.
The Speaker also directed the leadership of both APC and PDP caucuses to schedule for a meeting with the lawmakers to discuss the matter, adding that they have begun to witness the implementation of the newly amended Electoral Act 2022 and drawing lessons that will guide future reform efforts. 
Gbajabiamila said, “The past two months have been dominated by political pursuits across the country as political parties carry out various activities to nominate their candidates for the forthcoming general elections. All of us, members of the House of Representatives, have not been exempt from this process. Unfortunately, as is always the case in electoral contests, some of us who sought the nomination of our parties to return to legislature have not gotten it. Others who sought nomination to contest other positions have also fallen short in that quest. It is rather unfortunate that the process went the way it went. I make bold to say here that the legislature has once again suffered losses. 
“I am aware that many of our members who are probably not coming back because of this same process. The loss really is not for members who lost, it is a loss to democracy, to the institution and to the country. When we fought for direct primaries in this house, we knew exactly what we were saying. It pains me very deeply, that the process has gone the way it has gone. I have experienced political loss. And I can speak to the feelings of loss and disappointment that arise as a result. From that experience, I wish to share with you the everlasting truth that none of us is defined by the outcome of any election at any one time. It is necessary to note that the process by which the Electoral Act became law has highlighted valuable lessons we will do well to take cognisance of. These lessons should inform and motivate us to improve the National Assembly’s law-making process.”
Speaking further, Gbajabiamila demanded that the security agencies should identify the perpetrators and sponsors of the killings of church members in Owo, Ondo State last week, vowing that the House will hold their feet to the fire until they do so.
He tasked Committees Chairmen to commence thorough review of the implementation of Appropriation Acts across the ministries, departments and agencies of the Federal Government of Nigeria and as well prepare reports that will be considered by the House.
For the ongoing constitution review, Gbajabiamila said the House will coordinate interactions with the state legislatures to ensure timely consideration of the bills, so as not to risk the possibility of the proposals being forgotten amidst the heightened politicking across the country.
“I have long believed that legislative control of the public purse is one of our most important and consequential responsibilities. Since we resumed office, we have been responsible for passing three Appropriation Acts with trillions of naira in public expenditure included therein.  In this our final year in office, it should be a matter of the highest priority for us to thoroughly review the implementation of those Appropriation Acts across the ministries, departments and agencies of the Federal Government of Nigeria. 
“I urge the chairmen and members of the oversight committees of the House to begin now to undertake this review and to prepare reports that will be considered by the House and form part of the legacy of this 9th Assembly. Next week, I will invoke Order 18(3)(g) to commit bills that have been in Committees for longer than they should to the Committee of the Whole or any other relevant Committee of the House unless provided with a compelling reason to do otherwise. We have a limited time left to live up to our commitments in our legislative agenda, and we must make the time count,” the Speaker added
The House thereafter adjourned plenary to Wednesday, 15 June in honour of their dead colleague Hon. Nse Bassey Ekpenyong (PDP, Akwaibom) who died on April 23, at the age of 58.

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