Abia APC Steps Up Voter Mobilisation, Enters 184 Wards

Emmanuel Ugwu-Nwogo in Umuahia

The Abia State Chapter of the All Progressives Congress(APC) weekend stepped up its mobilisation drive across the state as it sent out over 700 special mobilisers into the field to fish for voters and prospective members across all the 184 wards of Abia.

They were given the task of going into all the 184 wards in Abia to sufficiently mobilise voters to believe in the party’s message of liberation of Abia from maladministration, which has festered like malignant tumour over the past two decades.

Before embarking on their assignment, the special mobilisers were assembled on Saturday and fired up at a stakeholders meeting of the party held at Nkpa in Bende Local Government of the state.

The special mobilisers comprised chairman, secretary and organising secretary from each of the 184 Abia wards; local government party chairman, secretary and organising secretary from each of the 17 Councils, members of the State Executive Committee as well as some selected party members.

Addressing the gathering, leader of Abia APC, Chief Ikechi Emenike said that the enormous task ahead required that the party must be alive and visible in every ward, adding that voters must be made to know and understand the party’s plans to set Abia free from backwardness.

He stated that in reality Abia is APC but the party had in the previous election cycles found itself in the hands of leaders that didn’t believe in the party hence they traded off its electoral fortunes and confined the party to opposition.

Emenike, who is the Secretary of the APC Contact, Strategy Committee, charged the enthusiastic party officials to go out and mobilise Abia people to join the APC bandwagon as the party has now returned to the people after the 2021 congress

“Don’t shut the door against anybody; the party is open to everybody, hence nobody should be denied the opportunity to join the family of progressives,” he counseled.

He reminded them of the need to bring in new converts into the APC, saying that the online membership registration is still on.

Chief Emenike warned that any party official at ward, local government or state level that tries to block a prospective member would be sanctioned.

Many of the party chieftains and elders were on hand to exhort the special mobilisers and party officials in order to adequately prepare them for the task ahead.

Speakers at the meeting all expressed sadness at the parlous state of affairs in Abia and the need for Ndi Abia to wake up from their apparent slumber to rescue their beloved state from “the devouring locusts”.

Prof Obike Ibegbulam pointed out that “Abia can no longer afford to remain in its PDP- induced state of coma”, adding that 2023 would be a watershed in the life of the state with all well meaning Abians joining hands to save their own state.

The State Women Leader of the party, Hon Chino Elondu charged Abia APC members to sit up and work with total commitment to ensure that Chief Emenike would get the mandate to rebuild the state.

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