Online Punters Urge Government to Encourage online Trading

Saying that people want to sell gift cards in exchange for cash is like stating the obvious, but their experience remains nothing to bank on as many exchange Apps and sites have failed many punters.

Now, the good news here is that as the fear heightens over online trading and gift card exchange, P~Gold Exchange over the years remains the most practical and safest platform to trade without being ripped off.

According to information gathered, the company’s track record has continued to pave ways and open more doors of opportunities for potential traders.

Ayo Ajenifuja, a financial expert who had, had encounter with P~Gold Exchange, said ever since he has been trading and dealing with P~Gold Exchange, he maintained that a country like Nigeria that seeks to benefit from the huge potentials of the digital economy should begin to optimise the opportunity that P~Gold Exchange has to offer.

In his words, he said “This is the best time to take advantage of online trading platforms like P~Gold Exchange. They can serve the multiple ends of keeping people safe at this critical time as well as promoting the digital economy. Government should encourage them to continue the good work and also encourage more Nigerians to imbibe digital purchase and payment for goods and services,” he noted.

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