My First Movie with Genevieve Nnaji as a kid Actor- Ifeka Doris

In a recent interview, famous actress Doris Ifeka shared a memorable experience from her early acting career with Genevieve Nnaji in 2008 for her kid role. At age 26, she has featured in TV series including Clinic Matters, Critical Condition, Roses Are Red and more. While reminiscing about her role as a kid with screen goddess Genevieve Nnaji, the Enugu-born actress walks Thisday live through her journey into acting and the parts she is most proud of.
Could you walk us through your background?
My name is Ifeka Doris Ifeoma. I’m 26 years old. I’m from a family of four from Enugu state. I have one sibling — an elder brother. I grew up in Lagos. I had my primary and tertiary education in Lagos. I graduated with a 2.2 as an English language student from UNILAG.

How do you feel about the endorsement of Karis? Is this your first endorsement?

This is my first endorsement. I was excited. To be honest, I never saw it coming. Someone reached out to me, called me and said that a particular man has been asking for my contact and I was like hope there’s no problem. She said yes they wanted to discuss business. So I said okay fine you can give the number. The man called me and talked about the Karis. If I could be endorse for them. Honestly, I didn’t really know what it was about. So I spoke to somebody, Arsenal who managed me. He said refer them to me since I didn’t know anything and I don’t want to make mistake. After he spoke to them he said it’s a good one, no problem, let’s go ahead with it and they gave me their products which I used first.

How are you going to market this brand as an influencer ?
But as an influencer, I intend to create more awareness to people to let them know that Karis is the best. It doesn’t bleach. It’s just a cream that helps you bring out your natural colour. It’s not harsh, it’s very nice on the skin and so far when I started using the product. To be honest my skin wasn’t this good but when I started using it, I saw a lot of changes and a lot of people ask about my skin, what I use. So it’s very good. If it’s not good trust me, I won’t even endorse for them. I know a lot of people they say that most celebrities or most influencers influence products but they don’t use it. I’m assuring them that I use Karis. I use all their products and it’s been working. It works.

What’s the net worth of the endorsement?
Is it huge?

I won’t say it’s so huge but I would say it’s favourable because it’s an endorsement for one year. It’s not like it’s so much huge but it’s something that is fair.

Tell us about your growing up and how you discovered your talent?
I actually started from being a kid actor. I did my first movie in 2006 titled ‘critical condition’
Growing up I never wanted to be an actor, I wanted to be a nurse. It happened a day when I was still in Lagos. I was home so my mum went to make her hair. At the saloon, they were filming with Ramsey Noah. My mum came home invited me and my friend were just playing outside. So she called me and say ‘come and see Ramsey Noah. So I came with my friend and I saw a lot of people just gathered and they were watching. So in my mind I said to myself ‘ wow I will actually want to do this someday. I just loved how everything was going. I love the attention they were getting and seeing Ramsey Noah, a lot of people, they were star struck. That was when the passion came. So I went to meet them. I was very young. I told them I wanted to act. At first they thought I was joking. After they finished that job, the man got my mum’s contact. That was how they contacted me and I came for an audition. That was like my first audition. I saw a lot of people, I saw a lot of artist and I scaled through. That was how I did my first movie with Genevieve Nnaji

Which of the movies would you say have given you the big break, like put you in the spotlight?
It was one job I did o (laughs). Thank God, that’s the title. I did that job with Toosweet Annang. The Producer was Mr. Showtime. When they called me for that job, I was in Lagos. It was actually two jobs. So, when he called me to come and work, I didn’t want to go because of the price. Although I wasn’t really all about the price but since I was coming from Lagos to Owerri. I needed something even if it’s to cover up for my flight ticket and the rest. The man wasn’t really pricing me well; so when he called me for the job, I refused at first. There was just so much pressure so I came and did the job. It was just a normal job. It was on YouTube in less than a year it has 21million views. After I did that job, I realized that that was where my field is. That was when my demand was so high. Every producers wanted to work with me because that was the highest view on YouTube. So having such views, that was when everything turn to blessing and I almost didn’t want to do that job.

Which people do you look up to in the industry before you got to this level?
I would say people I looked up to is Genevieve Nnaji. She has always been my role model from day 1 even as a child. I love her personality. I love the way she carries herself. I see myself in her. I see even her acting. Whenever I’m acting I try not to overdo it. There are some actresses that overdo the acting and sometimes it doesn’t look real. I don’t want to overdo it. I don’t want it to look hyperbole. I watch her, I see the way she acts and I see myself in her personality. I love the fact that she’s very classy

What’s the most craziest thing you have seen your colleagues do in the industry that you would like to change?
What I don’t like is the when artist sleeps with Producers or Directors to get a role or when Producer says it’s a must you pay or you must register under this to get a job, if you are not under this you can’t get a job or you can’t work with me. I believe it should be all about talent. If the person is good and the person fits that character, she should get the role without doing anything. You don’t have to sleep with someone. You don’t have to get money from people. That’s what discourage most people. They feel like before I can become an actor I must sleep with a Producer. I will say there are still few good Producers and Directors out there, they are not like that. As long as you fit the character.

Have you been wooed by your fellow artist?
Of course, I’m a fine girl. When artists see me they will want to but I don’t believe in marrying an actor for some personal reasons, I don’t want any relationship in the industry. I don’t want to marry someone in the same field with me. Let it be outside.

Have you come across lesbians trying to woo you in the industry as well?
They do o because I think I have gotten few Dms. Some are actors because they feel like I’m one of them. When I receive such messages, I tell them straight up that I’m not into such.

The issues of cliques they are forming. Which clique are you forming?
I don’t form any clique. I don’t want to form any clique in the industry because it’s better that way. I’m not criticizing people that have clique. For me, I feel it’s safe that way because there’s a lot of jealousy, there’s a lot of envy in the industry so when you are forming cliques, it’s better when you come in set you see people and greet them, job is over and you go back to your normal life. I have just one best friend and I prefer to have my friends outside the industry, but I try to be on good terms with everybody. I try not to hit anybody. I try not to have issues with anybody. I try to just mind my business.

Is marriage still far or near? Are you still single and searching?
I’m single and not searching. Marriage is not far because I’m 26. If the right man comes along, if the right man comes my way definitely settle down and someone that will be understanding.

What’s your definition of an ideal man?
I’m not all about the looks. I need a man that is kind, a man that will be supportive, a man that understands, intelligent and comfortable.

Were you born with a silver spoon? How was your growing up?
I was never born with a silver spoon. That’s the truth. I’m just from the average family. My dad was a good disciplinarian and I grew up from home where we appreciate things and we are always contented with whatever thing we have. That’s why I work so hard. Whatever you see me do today, whatever inspires me; I would say it’s my mum because I know acting is something she really wanted to do but she couldn’t because she didn’t have the opportunity. Her seeing me doing what she loves makes me really happy. So far so good I will say I have come a long way and I’m still going.

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