IBEDC Assures Customers of Hitch-free Services

Kemi Olaitan in Ibadan
The Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company (IBEDC) Plc has assured customers across its network of its commitment to ensure quality services during the Easter holidays.

The Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the company, Mr. John Ayodele, in a statement made available to THISDAY, while wishing all the customers and Nigerians a safe and memorable Easter holiday, said in order to ensure steady service delivery during the period, a special rapid response team has been put together to reinforce and strengthen our service delivery.

According to him, “We recognise the fact that the demand for electricity always increases during the festive season, we have therefore positioned our technical crew to monitor and patrol the network to ensure faults are cleared as and when due and also mitigate the effect of any disruption to electricity supply.”

Ayodele also enjoined all Nigerians to reflect on the lessons of piety, love and self-sacrifice for the good of others, which are the essences of the Easter celebration.

“These lessons of Easter and other injunctions on brotherly love, peaceful co-existence, tolerance, honesty, humility, justice, equity and fairness to all are of particular importance to us as a nation as we continue to strive for a better Nigeria”, he said.

He also appealed for the strict observance of the COVID-19 precautionary measures as recommended by NCDC of wearing face masks in public places, regular washing of hands and use of sanitisers and physical distancing during the celebrations.

He, however, warned against vandalism and tampering with equipment across IBEDC network, saying it could cause deaths or serious injuries, urging consumers to ensure that their homes and business premises are properly wired and earthed only by approved technicians to ensure safety of lives and property.

Ayodele similarly encouraged customers to take advantage of the hassle-free channels of the company to pay bills and vend such as quick teller, etransact, Payarena, Jumia and ATM to avoid disconnection during the holiday period.’’

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