Kwara NLC Set for Strike over Minimum Wage

By Hammed Shittu

Nigeria Labour Congress(NLC) Kwara State chapter has threatened to down tools any time from now over the failure of the state government to implement the payment of N30,000 minimum wage to all the categories of workers in the state public service.

Kwara is one of the very few states yet to implement or make allocation for the new national minimum wage.

The labour union had last year kicked against the planned consequential adjustment component of the minimum wage presented by the state government.

Since then, the labour unions have been mapping out their plans to embark on strike action so as to press home their demand for the full implementation of the new minimum wage in the state without any adjustment whatsoever.

THISDAY checks reveal that the move by the labour unions to embark on strike action was based on its decision reached after its state executive council of the labour leaders meeting held on Thursday in Ilorin.

Sources close to the labour unions yesterday spoke on the condition of anonymity told THISDAY that, “labour unions would not accept any consequential adjustment on the payment of the new minimum wage in Kwara State.

“It is a national issue and we will not succumb to any move to adjust the payment because it is our due and it must be paid without any condition.

“And if the state government fails to implement this full payment of new minimum wage to the workers, workers in the state would embark on total strike action in compliance with the national headquarters of the NLC directive that any state that fails to implement the payment of the new minimum wage, workers of that affected states should commence strike action.

However sensing the impending strike action of the NLC in the state over the non-implementation of the payment of new minimum wage, the state Governor, Alhaji AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq has summoned a meeting with the labour leaders for next week Tuesday in Ilorin.

In a statement issued in Ilorin yesterday signed by the governor’s Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Rafiu Ajakaye stated that, the discussion would allow the government to take a firm discussions concerning the consequential adjustment component of the minimum wage.

The statement said that, “The Governor will lead the government’s team to interface with labour leaders to again look at the pending issues concerning the minimum wage”.

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