N13bn Delta Secretariat Complex Ready in October, Says Okowa

Ifeanyi Okowa

Ifeanyi Okowa

By Omon-Julius Onabu

The multi-billion naira ultra-modern Delta State Secretariat Complex in Asaba, the capital, would be ready for inauguration in about three months, Governor Ifeanyi Okowa said yesterday after inspecting the massive edifice.

While expressing satisfaction with the level of work on the project despite the delay caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, Okowa urged the contracting firm to sustain the tempo of work on the building complex, which is expected to be a one-stop centre for state ministries, departments and agencies.

The governor appreciated the quality of internal work and finishing of the building and promised to visit the site again in August with a view to ensuring that the project was ready for inauguration and use of the workers as projected.

All necessary papers relating to logistics and further funding of the complex had been approved, he disclosed, and expressed confidence that the project would be completed on schedule.

On the provision of electricity for the gigantic edifice and other government offices in Asaba, the governor said that government was partnering a private firm to handle the supply, saying that the issue of power would be laid to rest soon so that workers can heave a sigh of relief and work in more comfort.

Conducting the governor round various sections of the edifice, the representative of the contracting firm, Mr. Kester Ifeadi, assured the governor that everything needed for the completion of the project was ready, promising its deliverance before the end of September.

The governor was accompanied on the inspection visit by the Commissioner for Housing, Chief Festus Ochonogor, his Special Duties counterpart, Dr. Henry Sakpra and other senior government functionaries.

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