NIDOA USA to Distribute Palliatives

The Nigerians in Diaspora Organisation, Americas (NIDOA), USA, will distribute palliatives to vulnerable populations from various ethnic groups resident in Lagos this week.

According to a statement from the organisation’s Public Relations Officer, Dr. Yinka Tella, the exercise, which is part of NIDO Americas USA’s WECARE COVID-19 palliatives initiative, will be held this Thursday and Friday, May 22, with Ajegunle, Mile 12, and Ayobo/Ipaja communities benefitting.

Tella, said food packages consisting of rice, beans, garri, power oil, and maggi, as well as reusable masks would be given to beneficiaries. The exercise is being conducted in partnership with the Organisation of Women in International Trade (OWIT), Nigeria Chapter, and community leaders in the target areas.

NIDO Americas USA Chairman, Ms. Patience Ndidi Key, said the organisation was moved to assist some of those whose means of livelihood have been truncated by shelter-in-place orders and that a “Feed Nigeria Fund” will soon be launched to tackle hunger on a sustainable basis.

Key, stressed the importance of strategic alliances between NIDO Americas USA and trusted organisations like OWIT to execute projects in Nigeria.

On her part, OWIT Nigeria President, Ms. Blessing Irabor, expressed delight about the initiative, saying, “I want to appreciate NIDO Americas USA for considering our organization a worthy local partner to execute this project. I pray God Almighty strengthens them and replenishes the sources where this money came from.”

Commenting on the initiative, the Ambassador of Nigeria to the United States, Ambassador Sylvanus Nsofor, commended NIDO Americas USA.

Nsofor, spoke through the Head of Economic, Trade and Investment at the Embassy of Nigeria in Washington DC USA, Mr. Yakubu Suleiman.

Also, Nigeria’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Samson Itegboje, said the organisation “has exhibited an excellent act of patriotism and genuine love for humanity towards Nigeria and its people,” while the Nigerian Consul General in New York, Mr. Ben Okoyen applauded NIDO Americas USA’s act of “selflessly reaching out to the poor in our society.”

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