Alleged Feud between Usani, Enoh Non-existent, Says Senator’s Aide

John Enoh

John Enoh

Ugo Aliogo

The Senator representing Cross River Central, Cross River State, John Enoh, has condemned in strong terms the content of a statement by the Conference of Nigeria Political Parties (CNPP), where it was alleged that there was a feud between the senator and the former Minister of Niger Delta Affairs, Dr. Usani Usani.

According to a statement made available to THISDAY by Missang Oyama, the media aide to Senator Enoh, the content of the statement by CNPP of June 30 was not only misleading but a combination of sheer meddlesomeness and outright mischief.

The statement said: “We view the content of the statement as not only misleading but a combination of sheer meddlesomeness and outright mischief. The intent therein is to hoodwink and cajole Cross Riverians and indeed the leadership of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the country which is their actual target into believing that there is a feud between the distinguished senator and the former minister, Usani. What an unconscionable and laughable deceit.”

It also stated that Enoh is not in a feud with anyone in his party, APC, in the state or at the national level.

The statement further explained that the senator is profoundly at peace with everyone and has not in any way engaged in a media war with any of the leaders of APC in the state and won’t do so now or in the foreseeable future.

The media aide maintained that there is no iota of truth in the CNPP statement, adding that the statement only came with a huge facility for deception, “and every discerning mind should see it as worthless tissues of lies that should be confined to a trash bin where it truly belongs.”

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