How to Run Successful Digital Agency in Nigeria

Debbie Larry-Izamoje

Debbie Larry-Izamoje

Debbie Larry-Izamoje

I feel like the proud mother of a toddler knowing that Image Boosters, a digital agency I founded is 3. I still remember how tough the beginning was, I had just moved back to Nigeria with the 2 things motivational speakers told me I needed to run a business. Passion and Vision. I cringe now at how I truly believed these were all I needed and wish someone had told me about the other elements needed to build a successful and profitable digital agency in Nigeria.

We live in a generation where the people factor is so easily dismissed. People want to tell tales of how they got to where they are without the help of others and I sometimes wonder why we have decided to make this narrative a thing of pride as I’ve quickly learnt that you need people in business. Whether these people act as investors, clients, employees or just a support system on down days. You can’t build a strong business by yourself, you can try it but at some point you’re going to need the strength of another, to carry the weight of entrepreneurship.
This was the biggest wakeup call of my journey, I had lived the most part of my life as an introvert that I was starting to forget the benefits of nurturing new connections and relationships. I became intentional about this and not because of the money we needed as a startup but because I was reminded that clients, opportunities and partnerships come from people and not a box from the sky.

Anytime someone tells you that you don’t need any money to start a digital agency, tell him or her Debbie said that’s a lie. You need money! Having lots of it makes life a lot easier but having a little, helps with pushing that business a little further. You need money to buy data for Internet to run your agency; you need money to transport yourself to locations for client pitches. You need money to employee your first staff. You need money, maybe not as much as those starting out fashion line or bakery but money, is essential. Before you start that digital agency have at least one year salary saved for your first hire and other essential expenses. The minute you make profit save that money or invest in places that can give great return on investment and always remember to plow back into the business.

I didn’t pick a niche at first, so as a business owner I quickly became worn out in trying to learn everything in the industry. Biggest mistake! Pick a niche and invest your time into learning every single skill needed to excel in that area. Know every aspect of your niche and ensure your first two hires are people you can learn from. Get knowledge about your clients and their needs, your competitors and their weaknesses and your industry and its strengths. Constantly get knowledge.

Larry-Izamoje is the founder of Image Boosters a Communications and strategy agency aimed at assisting SME’s, with core services in social media management and business strategy consultation.

Website: Instagram: @dee_larry @imageboosters_
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