Ihedioha Storms Chosen Crusade, Pledge Good Governance

General Overseer of Lords Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries, Pastor Lazarus Muoka and Emeka Ihedioha at the crusade ground

General Overseer of Lords Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries, Pastor Lazarus Muoka and Emeka Ihedioha at the crusade ground

Mary Ekah

Former Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives and the PDP Governorship candidate in Imo State, Hon Emeka Ihedioha, recently stormed the just concluded four-day international crusade of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries at Mgbidi in Imo State.

Ihedioha, who was there to thank God for His mercies last year, also joined thousands to pray to God for Nigeria and a successful and hitch-free 2019 general election.

Ihedioha also said he was at the programme to join the congregation to ask God to bring the dividends of good governance and democracy to the people of Imo State.

He said: “We are also here to pray for the forgiveness of our numerous sins and to re-dedicate ourselves to the almighty God because we believe and know that without God, we shall labour in vain.”

Ihedioha who explained that as a onetime deputy speaker of the federation, he left his footprint on the sands of time through visible achievements, noted, “I have professed Christianity and that has never disrupted my activities in the Christian faith.

“By the grace of God when I was the deputy speaker of the federation, I was the number six person in the federation, and that did not affect my Christian conduct in any way.”

Ihedioha, who sounded so positive about his victory in the forthcoming elections, promised that if he emerged winner of the election and becomes the governor, he will execute his responsibilities with the fear of God, adding, “So, let us be positive and not be pessimistic.”

Speaking further, the former speaker said, “I believe that I won the highest number of votes in the last general election, but for our mistakes. I feel we were careless about few things but I have corrected those mistakes.

“Now I am stronger, we are more resilient and vigilant this time. And, all the opinions and surveys in the state indicate that I would win the election. And I know that God loves Imo people and is on my side. He would forgive our sins and liberate our people this time around.”

Ihedioha described support for bad governance as a grave sin and called on all to love their neigbours as themselves.

“What matters to you is how to make the life of the populace better and governances is all about the welfare of the people and not when the reverse is the case.

“When I become the governor of Imo State, I will ensure that I make the people to appreciate the essence of governance, and I would also ensure that governance is a team and collective work.”

On why Imo State is not as developed as expected over the years, Ihedioha said, “Under my watchful eyes as deputy speaker and when I was Chairman, House Committee on Marine Transport, I attracted more federal presence to the state than any other person till date. So, the projects are still on ground and. I will carry on from where they have stopped.”

He therefore called on the people of Imo State to go out en masse during the election to elect God-fearing people like him who would bring about noticeable change in the state.

Ihedioha, while addressing the congregation at the crusade ground, said, “I welcome our worthy sons and daughters who have gathered here from all over the world to be with us and to celebrate in faith. I join millions of Igbo people to welcome you on this annual convention.

“We thank you for your prayers upon our land, state and people. We commend this annual convention that has turned into a pilgrimage. We pray that God will sustain this ministry and pilgrimage over the years.

“God is indeed present among us. I urge you to continue to pray in faith and be courageous believing that God will answer our prayers in this fateful year of 2019. It is our wish that we are coming indeed to the end of sad days. We pray that prosperity shall return among our lots.”

Others governorship candidates who were at the crusade were Okechukwu Eze of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and Dr Linus Okorie of Young Progressives Party (YPP), who all stressed on the need for the masses to make the right choice by electing God-fearing people into government.

The programme, which has the theme: “What God has Determined Shall be done”, witnessed thousands of participants coming from across the globe to be part of the anointing that broke every yoke.

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