COAS Commends Edo People for Unwavering Support 

Adibe Emenyonu in Benin City

The Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Lt.-Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, has commended Edo people for the unfaltering support for the military in its fight against insecurity nationwide.

Lagbaja gave the praise when he inaugurated the Pa Igbinomwanhia Uyigie Multi Purpose Hall at Iduowina Town, in Orhionmwon Local Government Area of Edo State.

He said the inauguration  of this special intervention civil-military cooperation project represents a significant achievement in the Nigerian Army’s efforts to fulfill its constitutional responsibilities of carrying out crucial activities towards the realisation of its non-kinetic drives.

“The good people of Edo State, who are committed to promoting peace, have earned the respect of the Nigerian Army for their unwavering support in our joint pursuit of peace, security and tranquility in Nigeria,” Lagbaja declared.

According to him, the operational achievements of the Nigerian Army in the southern region, particularly in Edo State, can largely be attributed to the untiring support of the people of the state.

”I must, therefore, say that your steadfast dedication to the cause of securing our nation is truly inspiring. It is gladdening to state that the Chief of Army Staff special intervention civil-military cooperation projects symbolise the desired bond between the Nigerian Army and our beloved communities, working together towards common goals of progress and national growth,” he said.

Lagbaja said that the project was among the 220 COAS sponsored civil-military cooperation projects.

The COAS was represented by the Chief of Transformation and Innovation in the Nigerian Army, Maj-Gen. Zakeri Abubakar.

Lagbaja said the projects had huge impact on the benefiting communities, and was a testament to the commitment to building a safer and more prosperous Nigeria.

He said the projects include community town halls, boreholes, roads, supplied computers, rehabilitation of hospitals and schools and technology sources.

” Our projects are designed to complement and enhance existing basic services, amenities, and infrastructure provided by the states, well- meaning individuals, and credible non- governmental organisations,” he said.

Lagbaja said the Nigerian Army was committed to serving and uplifting the communities across the country.

He said that the inauguration of the project conceptualised in Iduowina community would not only be celebrated but serve as a beacon as well as promote mutual trust between the army and the communities.

Earlier in a remark, Edo State Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, commended the Nigerian Army for the project.

Obaseki, who was represented by the state Commissioner for Safety and Security, Mr. Kingsley Uwagbale, said Edo would partner with the community in the area of skill acquisition and training of youths.

He said: ” We will come back here for a reassessment, for possible partnership for the good and growth and development of the state.”

Also, the Odionwere (Community Leader), Pa Stephen Ogbeide, appreciated the army for the gesture while extolling the Force Commander, Operation Whirl Stroke, Maj.-Gen. Sunday Igbinomwanhia, an indigene of the community, who attracted the project to the area.

Among the dignitaries at the ceremony were Chief of Civil-military Affairs, Maj -Gen N. C. Ugbo and 4 Brigade Commander, Maj-Gen. Dalanmi Ndahi.

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