Ilupeju Community, KKF, Calls for Improved Security

Ilupeju Community, KKF, Calls for Improved Security

The Ilupeju community and the Kirtis Kare Foundation (KKF) have called on the Nigerian Police Force (NPF) to beef up security measures in the Ilupeju community and environs.

In a press release issued, the Founder KKF, Ambassador Dr. Kirti Sudhanshu Kirti, said the move is coming on the heels of the increasing incidence of thefts and attacks by miscreant in the Ilupeju community.

In her words, “A lot of residences and establishments have been targeted over the past few weeks.The recent incident of robbery at the residence and office premises of KKF founder, Ambassador Dr. Kirti Sudhanshu has prompted a call to action for improved safety measures and awareness in the community.”

According to her, the Ilupeju community has long been concerned about the safety and security of its residents, and the recent incident has further highlighted the need for proactive measures.

“The KKF, in collaboration with the local government and law enforcement agencies, is taking the lead in initiating a movement to address security issues and promote safety awareness,” she added.

Reflecting on the unfortunate incident, emphasized the importance of unity and proactive measures in addressing security concerns. “As a foreigner, I understand the challenges faced by our community, but we cannot accept such incidents as the norm. We need to take action and bring about positive change,” she stated.

The KKF has taken the initiative to engage with the local authorities, including CP Adegoke M. Fayoade, Commissioner of Police, Lagos State Command has shown a strong commitment to addressing the security concerns of the Ilupeju community. The KKF has proposed the establishment of a security forum committee under the guidance of the Commissioner of Police, with the support of the Local Council Development Area (LCDA) , to empower the community with the knowledge and resources needed to ensure their safety. The chairman of Odi-Olowo LCDA Hon. Rasaq Ajala, Executive Chairman of has affirmed his solidarity support for this pressing issue being faced by the community.

“We are grateful for the support and swift action of CP Adegoke M. Fayoad, Commissioner of Police, Lagos State Command who has demonstrated a true partnership between the community and law enforcement,” Ambassador Dr. Kirti Sudhanshu expressed.

The KKF, in collaboration with the Ilupeju community, is committed to changing the narrative through proactive measures and community engagement. A meeting has been arranged for the Commissioner of Police to visit the Ilupeju community on the 2nd of May, where the KKF and community members will engage in constructive dialogue to address security concerns and work towards sustainable solutions.

The KKF acknowledges the support of Ambassador Mrs. Olatutu in facilitating this meeting and emphasizes the importance of unity and support within the community. “We are one family, and together, we can make a difference,” Ambassador Dr. Kirti Sudhanshu affirmed.
The Kirtis Kare Foundation is dedicated to promoting safety, security, and community well-being, and remains committed to working hand-in-hand with the Ilupeju community and local authorities to create a safer and more secure environment for all residents.

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