No Leadership Crisis in NDDC, Says Niger Delta Group

Sylvester Idowu in Warri

Community Development Committees of Niger Delta Oil and Gas Producing Areas (CDCNDOGPA) has said that there was no leadership crisis between the Managing Director of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), Dr. Samuel Ogbuku, and Chairman of NDDC, Ms. Laureta Onochie.

The group attributed the perceived crisis in the commission, as promoted in some sections of the media, to the handiwork of mischief makers within and outside the region to once again destabilise the board and the management with the aim of derailing development in the Niger Delta.

The Chairman of CDCNDOGPA, Mr. Joseph Ambadekerimo, in a statement issued in Warri yesterday, warned that his group would soon name those behind the media campaign to distabilise the interventionist agency, if they do not desist from their evil machinations.

“We can categorically say, without mincing word, that there is no crisis in the leadership of the NDDC. What we have is a contention of process to be adopted to deliver a better Niger Delta. We have an energetic vibrant young man as the managing director while we have in the chairman, a person who is a stickler for process, so in no time we can assure the generality of all of our people that these issues will be resolved and the region will be better for it.

 “What is currently playing out in the media space is an over blown narrative sponsored to malign a leadership that has passion for development and are working hard to bring infrastructural development to the region and deepened human capital development of the young people of the region,” it said.

 The group observed that those who were bent on derailing the board would continue in their efforts to bring disrepute and destabilise the board at all cost, noting that they have tried many times to throw the wedge in between the very convivial atmosphere that has existed within the governing board and management.

“The persons who stoke this fire are from within and without the region all geared towards a selfish end. Sooner or later we shall expose them. We have identified them and sooner they will be unmasked and be shamed,” it warned.

The  CDCNDOGPA explained that what was perceived as crisis in the commission was  mere modus operandi of how exactly policy issues should be applied and executed for the benefit of the region, adding that “we will likened the situation to a group of mountain climbers who’s ambition is to get to the very top of a mountain with some wanting to access the top of the mountain by foot while others are opting to get to the top of the same mountain by helicopter.

 “The objectives of the two groups are the same, but the means to achieve that objective is what is contentious and not issues of mismanagement, misappropriation or misapplication of resources or who controls the resources as been reported in a section of the media.

“It will be too premature to now allude these issues to who controls the resources of the commission. This is not true.

“We should not run to judgment to begin to cast aspersion on innocent people. The chairman holds the managing director to a very high esteem, the managing director himself often refers to the chairman as his mother.

“There is a mother-son relationship that is existing between them. We can say and attest to this fact.  We as stakeholders have intervened and will continue to do so. We have come to understand that there is no crisis as being painted in the media.

“We will not give support to any individual or group the armament  to stampede this board out of office.” 

CDCNDOGPA condemned those rooting for the dissolution of the NDDC as a result of the mischievous campaign of calumny against the board and the management team of the interventionist agency, noting that they did not mean well for the region.

It declared: “Those calling for the dissolution of this board do not mean well for the region. We urge them to desist from this path and allow the leadership of the commission to do their work.  Fiddling with the idea of sacking this board will be counterproductive and will be a disservice to the overall interest of the region.

“We will continue to garner support for the leadership of the commission to succeed. We must support these ones to succeed. We cannot allow outsiders to decide our faith in the region. We have what it takes to manage ourselves and our resources for the benefit of our people, therefore we urge everyone to lend their support.”

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