Jelili Alao: Empowering the Next Generation of Tech Giants

Jelili Alao: Empowering the Next Generation of Tech Giants

As the world becomes increasingly data-driven, the demand for skilled professionals who can leverage this data to drive innovation has never been higher. One such professional is Jelili Alao, a data wizard with over 20 years of experience in Big Data Management and Analytics. With a Microsoft Certified Azure Data Engineer Associate and a Doctorate candidate in Data Science, Jelili is a master of cutting-edge technologies like Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, and Agile Methodologies. His exceptional skills and accomplishments have earned him a reputation as one of the top data experts in the industry, having worked with prestigious organisations worldwide to deliver top-notch data-driven solutions. But Jelili’s passion for data goes beyond just his professional expertise. He is also the founder of CDD TECH Academy, a platform aimed at empowering the next generation of tech giants by providing BCS Higher Educational Qualifications courses for individuals interested in gaining career prospects in the world of computing and technology. As an alumnus of the University of Greenwich, where he earned his MSc in Information Systems & Data Warehousing, and a proud member of the British Computer Society, Jelili is committed to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others. His goal is to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to unlock the power of data and drive innovation in their respective fields. Vanessa Obioha engages him on the latest trends in AI and how he is empowering the next generation of tech giants and helping to shape the future of technology

When did your love for technology and computing begin?

I have always been passionate about technology, and my love for computing and tech started early in my school days. I was always intrigued by how computers worked and how they could be used to solve problems in the real world. I remember spending countless hours tinkering with any old computer and learning how to reassemble it in my free time. This led me to pursue a degree in computing, and I have been passionate about technology ever since.

AI is in the spotlight at the moment, and there are a few opinions that Nigeria is lagging in machine learning. Do you share similar thoughts?

Nigeria, like many other countries, is still in the early stages of adopting and implementing AI technologies. While there have been some notable initiatives and progress in the field of Artificial Intelligence, there are still many challenges and barriers that need to be addressed. One of the major challenges is the lack of technical expertise and infrastructure to support AI development. There is a shortage of skilled data scientists and AI engineers, and many organisations in Nigeria may lack the necessary computing power and data storage capabilities to implement AI technologies effectively. Additionally, there is a need for more investment and support from the government and private sector to drive AI development in Nigeria. While there have been some initiatives such as the establishment of the AI Centre of Excellence by the Nigerian government, more needs to be done to support AI research and development in the country. Despite these challenges, there are also many opportunities for AI development in Nigeria. With a large and growing population, there is a significant potential market for AI-powered products and services. Additionally, there is a wealth of data in various sectors such as finance, healthcare, and agriculture that can be leveraged to develop AI applications that can benefit society. Conclusively, while Nigeria may still be in the early stages of adopting and implementing AI technologies, there are opportunities for growth and development. With the right investments in infrastructure and human capital, Nigeria can catch up with the rest of the world in AI development and contribute to the global AI ecosystem.

How does one address the issue of ethics, compassion, and other moral values in artificial intelligence?

Addressing ethics, compassion, and other moral values in artificial intelligence (AI) is essential to ensure that AI is developed and used in ways that are fair, just, and beneficial to all. This issue does require a multi-faceted approach that involves developers, users, and stakeholders working together to ensure that AI is developed and used in ways that are consistent with ethical principles and that promote the well-being of all.

There have been concerns about AI entrenching systemic racism with its algorithms. Is there a one-way approach to address this?  

Thank you for that question. The issue of AI entrenching systemic racism is a complex and multifaceted problem that requires a comprehensive approach to address. There is no one-way approach that can fully solve this problem, it requires a holistic and intersectional approach that involves various stakeholders, including policymakers, technology companies, data scientists, and civil society organisations.

Given the recent reports on how ChatGPT, the latest generative artificial intelligence can promote cheating among students, will banning it be the right solution?

According to a research paper published by BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT “Schools are unprepared for the impact of ChatGPT on teaching and learning, but rather than banning AI they need support to harness its potential”

Banning ChatGPT solely based on its potential use for cheating would not be the right solution. It is important to recognise that ChatGPT or any AI tool can be used for both positive and negative purposes. Instead of banning ChatGPT, it will be more effective to focus on addressing the underlying issue of cheating and promoting academic integrity. This can be achieved through a combination of educational, technological, and inclusive enforcement strategies.

With tech companies carrying out widespread layoffs, what is the impact on a country like Nigeria, where the tech industry appears to be flourishing?

I will look at this from a two-way approach. First, the impact of tech companies’ massive layoffs on a country like Nigeria where tech is booming can be complex and multifaceted. Layoffs can lead to a reduction in the number of available jobs in the tech industry, which can be challenging for those who are looking for work in the sector. This can also result in a slowdown in the growth of the tech industry as a whole, as companies may be less likely to invest in new projects or expand their operations.

On the one hand, layoffs can also create opportunities for new businesses and entrepreneurs to emerge. For example, if a large tech company lays off a significant number of employees, some of those individuals may decide to start their own businesses or join smaller startups. This process can lead to the development of new products and services, as well as the growth of the local tech ecosystem.

Overall, the impact of tech companies’ layoffs on a country like Nigeria will depend on a range of factors, including the size and scope of the layoffs, the specific companies and industries affected, and the broader economic conditions in the country. However, it’s worth noting that the tech industry in Nigeria has been growing rapidly in recent years, and there are many opportunities for innovation and growth in the sector, even in the face of challenges such as layoffs.

Why was it important for you to set up CDD Tech Academy?

The establishment of CDDtech Academy was motivated by two key important reasons. First, to have an impact on the youths, and contribute to the public’s education by providing top-notch, internationally acclaimed educational and training programmes. Secondly, to close the skills gap and create a highly qualified IT workforce that can satisfy market demands and have a beneficial impact on the economy.

Are you impressed by the number of schools embracing STEM in Nigeria?

It’s a good thing that more schools are embracing STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) instruction. STEM education is crucial because it gives kids the knowledge and abilities they need to thrive in a world that is changing quickly. STEM fields are essential for creating new technology and finding solutions to challenging issues in industries like healthcare, energy, and the environment. Schools are assisting kids in becoming ready for employment in in-demand industries like computer science, engineering, and data analytics by adopting STEM education. Students may have more opportunities as a result, and the nation’s economy may flourish and innovate as a result.

What’s the next level for CDD TECH Academy and how do you want to contribute to Nigeria’s education system through the platform? 

CDD TECH Academy is a technology education and training platform in Nigeria that offers certified courses in IT, certified by the British Computer Society (BCS), the Chartered Institute for IT. The academy is designed to help students develop a deep understanding of core computing concepts and skills to prepare them for careers in technology-related fields. The academy aims to contribute to Nigeria’s education system by providing high-quality education and training programs that are globally recognized and accredited to improve the country’s reputation as a hub for technology and innovation. 

The next level for CDD TECH Academy may involve expanding course offerings, collaborating with industry partners to provide more practical training, and exploring ways to provide greater access to technology education for underserved communities. Additionally, CDD TECH Academy plans to include integrated practical training and hands-on experience to help students apply what they have learned in real-world scenarios and to collaborate with other education providers to create a more comprehensive digital skills training ecosystem in Nigeria.

 What tech predictions do you see happening soon?

It is important to note that the pace of technological advancement can be difficult to predict, there may be many technological breakthroughs and trends that may emerge in the coming years, however, most commonly discussed Tech predictions that are expected to happen soon will include continued growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI); expansion of 5G networks; increased adoption of blockchain technology; advancements in quantum computing and Continued growth of the Internet of Things (IoT).

Can you give an insight on the thesis of your PhD and its relation to the 2023 general Elections? 

My doctorate Thesis focuses on analyzing the impact of social media on political campaigns and elections. Specifically, I am studying how social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook are being used by political parties and candidates to mobilize voters and shape public opinion. 

While my research is not only directly related to the 2023 general elections, the findings can provide insights that could be applicable to the current international political climate. For example, my research may shed light on the role of social media in shaping public opinion and influencing voters, which can be particularly relevant in the context of election campaigns globally. 


I have always been passionate about technology, and my love for computing and tech started early in my school days. I was always intrigued by how computers worked and how they could be used to solve problems in the real world. I remember spending countless hours tinkering with any old computer and learning how to reassemble it in my free time. This led me to pursue a degree in computing, and I have been passionate about technology ever since

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