Tech Firm Launches Real Estate Wealth Generation Platform

Oluchi Chibuzor

A Nigeria Tech Firm, Cuddle Realty, has unveiled an innovative online real estate platform targeted at making millions of Nigerians financially independent through investment in real estate.

The platform offers an exclusive opportunity to build long lasting wealth through Real Estate co-ownership, leveraging on technology and experience.

According to one of the co-founders, John Igbinosa, they are trying to change the narrative in Africa in terms of real estate, getting Africans to own African properties.

He said, “At Cuddle, we have licensed professionals. So we don’t just run on passion alone. We have the expertise and certificate to practice what we are passionate about. For example, our surveyors are licensed, our structural engineers are licensed, we have architects licensed and they all come with years of experience that make them major players in the decision making process of acquiring properties. 

“We also want to turn a lot of bushes into cities. We will look at going into sustainable projects around the sustainable development goals looking at better ways we can solve the housing deficit in Nigeria first. We believe that Cuddle is an economic liberation for millions. We believe that Cuddle is a financial partner for thousands. And that exactly is why we launched.”

In his remark, a co-partner, Fabian George stated that the statistics of Nigerians that own properties is disturbing, which formed their aim to solve this gap and ensure that people own property without breaking the bank or having to wait forever.

“If you look at the statistics of those who don’t own a property, it is very much. At least, one hundred and eighty four million Nigerians out of 200 million population do not own a property. That’s how large the statistics are. So we are bringing a solution to help people own a property starting from what they have without breaking the bank. You ask people when they would love to buy a property, they will tell you, maybe in the next five years, I will be able to save up to buy a 3 million naira property. By the time they save up to buy the property, that property had already appreciated to maybe 5 or 10 million. They would have to wait to save up again. So the solution we are bringing is solving the time gap. You don’t have to wait for five years, ten years before you own a property. You can own a property now.”

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