Bash Serves An Intriguing Twist With Lustful Preexistence’

Music maestro, Bash, recently unveiled his debut album titled ‘Lustful Preexistence’. Buttered with Afro-RnB melodies, the album rejigs the love experience with a poetic swipe at sensual and romantic love.

With ‘Lustful Preexistence’, Bash boldly brings out his forte of poetic lyricism, and mid-tempo alto, spinning the records clean with danceable, euphoric groove.

Within the opening track, ‘One Time’, Bash pontificates on romantic love and physical intimacy with his lover stretching the melodies with sensual-soaked imagery. He revs the momentum with the chord-heavy RnB-funk fusion, ‘She Bad’, peaking with x-rated imagery in tracks such as ‘Good Head’ while balancing the sexual tension, with a dose of romantic love expressions in the song ‘Mami’.

Bash flexes his vocal range, and flows, giving off a very vibey project on this album. With masterful pacing, the project breathes with the right volume of soothing melodies and danceable bops. It also shines for its artsy representation of a very mundane, cliched subject, reflecting a stellar artiste and repertoire (A&R) and creative direction.

Cohesively, ‘Lustful Preexistence’ flexes as both a sex playlist and a very artistic body of work. Intimately, it connects, it relates, and it inspires thought. The storytelling, sonic direction and track-listing also give it a rather warming, inviting vibe, boosting its replay value generally.

On this album, Bash bashes out all negative energy, typically associated with sensual records, treating the playlist as a treatise on slow, burning, passionate love, as opposed to the egoistic, sexist concept of romantic love. The record glows, for all its musical strong points – depth, lyricism and vocalization. And with Bash, everything goes a notch higher.

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