Alcoholism: Some things to understand

Being healthy means giving up certain pleasant habits that are very common in our society, such as the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and some drugs, limiting your need for food intake and choosing the least risky ones to harm the body, fight stress and sedentary lifestyle.

Alcohol is one of the oldest substances with the ability to alter behavior
Alcoholism is not a natural disease but a chronic behavioral disorder that can occur in anyone and as a result of a strong addiction to alcohol-containing beverages and frequent and excessive intake. In many cases, alcohol rehab is essential.

Alcohol has always been a much discussed drink, highly weighted in ancient times as a remedy and considered as such in many environments, however it was originally known as a dangerous drug, from this prosecution multiple attempts have been made to convene people to keep their consumption under strict control. Until our days, the great solution has not been found that, in the long run, had proven and justified the polyvalent function of alcohol as energetic, stimulating, intoxicating and toxic.

In 1964, the WHO decided to replace the concept of mania with that of dependence in the drug field.

According to the WHO, alcoholics would be those excessive drinkers whose dependence on alcohol had reached such a degree that it occurs, psychic disorders, somatic complications and / or conflicts in their interpersonal relationships, work and social functions, so acting on those risk factors that are present in society, limiting or reducing contact with alcohol to the most vulnerable social groups and rehabilitating their patients will contribute to improve your health and to keep people away from this bad habit.

Alcoholism is not only the most widespread drug addiction, but it opens the doors for the consumption of other types of drugs. Dependence is understood to be a state of discomfort or even discomfort that appears in an individual when suppressing a drug or a similar addictive substance that he has consumed for several years.

Alcohol affects the body directly or indirectly

The first results in diseases such as liver cirrhosis, in addition to contributing to the chance of this disease, alcohol consumption are the main cause of liver cancer, and its excessive consumption is associated with cancer of the mouth and esophagus. Regarding nutrients, the potentiality of alcohol preparations is empty calories, used only in the basal metabolism of cells, contributing to a gain in body weight in fat. It has been proven that its exaggerated intake during pregnancy can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome, a condition that can cause congenital anomalies and mental retardation. Although alcohol is considered a drug, it contains special considerations such as:

– At the same time and as a component of many common drinks in our cultural environment it is a stimulant.
– An intoxicant.

– A toxic whose effects are manifested in acute overdoses such as chronic ones.

Alcohol is soluble in water, and once ingested, it easily crosses the walls of the stomach and small intestine through a simple diffusion process, is absorbed and reaches the different tissues through the blood and alcohol reduces the expectation by about 10 years of life and produces more deaths than the abuse of any other substance. That is why in many alcohol therapies, alcohol detox plays a very important role. The detox process can remove all the elements of alcohol that are already absorbed in the organs of the body.

Each year, more than 200 thousand deaths related to its use are reported. About 70% of the world population consumes beverages in different proportions and of these approximately 10% will go on to become alcoholics in the course of their lives.

The consumption of alcoholic beverages is benefited by advertising, the forms of distribution and offers in the markets, prices and even the lack of the product in view that creates an excessive desire for overconsumption when it appears. These can cause dependence, which is manifested by the imperative, physical or mental, to continue ingestion, so it is necessary to know that this addiction is considered a chronic disease characterized by relapses.

The difference between alcohol abuse and addiction is very slight

Abuse means incorrect consumption and the addiction begins with this, or simply consuming alcohol. You can consume alcohol without having an addiction, but this can arise from frequent consumption. Addicted is the person unable to control their desire to drink. The dividing line between consumption and dependence is crossed when alcohol is no longer used for fun, when life centers on the need to consume it and the addiction is physical, psychological, or both. Being physically addicted means that the body becomes dependent on alcohol and if you stop consuming it the person experiences a withdrawal syndrome. Some manifestations of this syndrome are diarrhea, tremors or great general malaise.

Physical signs also include a feeling of weakness or discomfort when trying to stop drinking, alterations in sleeping hours, and changes in eating habits with weight gain or loss and a progressive increase in the amounts or frequency of alcohol consumption, to achieve the same effect. Psychological addiction occurs when the desire to drink alcohol is psychological or emotional, and consuming it exceeds the will of the person. Among the psychological signs are consumption as a way to forget problems or to relax, loss of interest in activities that were important before, problems with school or work performance, interacting with consumers, constant thoughts in relation to obtaining alcohol and depressive, anxious or angry states.

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