David Kauzlaric Shares the Secret of Being a Truly Effective Leader

Everyone has stories about bosses who demand compressed lunch breaks, but regularly go out themselves for leisurely mid-day meals. Or what about the supervisor who expects salaried employees to consistently stay late working overtime, while they commonly skip out at 4:00pm to go to the gym? Such double standards infect company culture, team morale, and generally erode individual good-will. David Kauzlaric, a pacesetter in digital marketing for over fifteen years, discusses how a leader of leaders influences by example.

The word “leader” may describe a title, position or role, but true leadership is a verb. It implies action. It’s not enough for a leader to implement policies, practices and procedures, if they
aren’t “walking the walk.” It’s not enough for a leader to have a sense of purpose or vision, if all it amounts to are words in speeches and emails.

David Kauzlaric learned this truth at a very young age. “My Dad was an entrepreneur and instilled the mindset in me that actions speak louder than words. I remember working in his store at eight years old, writing up customers, counting back change, living the vision through action, day in and day out,” he reminisces. “I would not be where I am today without his example of blending vision with action.”

An essential aspect of leading by example is grooming. This means actively modeling, training and mentoring. “At Agency Elevation, we pull and lift others to success. None of us got here on our own. Part of my job is to actively help both my clients and other leaders within my organization reach their full potential,” he says.

According to David Kauzlaric, leading by example means being “at bat” with the rest of the team, as well as coaching them to develop their own leadership capacities. If you lead by example, your business will clearly reap the benefits of what you sow.

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