Cost Implication: A Major Barrier Preventing Access to Fertility Treatment and Services (Part 2)

Dr. Kemi Ailoje

Last week, we started a topic on the cost implications of IVF. We also began to discuss the various reasons for the high cost if IVF in Nigeria and other parts of the world. This week, we will talk about more reasons why IVF is not generally affordable and also explain ways by which couples can afford the IVF fees.

Are there ways to make fertility treatment cheaper or source for fertility treatment fund?

Finding the means to fund your IVF treatment can add a layer of stress which is the last thing you need when you are already struggling with the challenge of infertility. Highly sophisticated Assisted Reproductive Technology requires substantial financial investment and for many, paying for this type of treatment can seem out of reach. At the moment there are no insurance plans tailored towards IVF treatments in Nigeria.

Basically treatment option depends on the cause of infertility. Some patients presenting for infertility may require fertility awareness and education, ovulation monitoring and timed intercourse, induction of ovulation, and intrauterine insemination and may not require IVF.

Early presentation: The chances of pregnancy are higher in younger women than in older women. Hence cost of fertility treatment is likely to be cheaper in women aged 25 to 35 years than older ones. Older women may require more cycles of IVF/ICSI treatment to get pregnant, while some women may require the use of donated egg/sperm or even surrogates which usually comes at a more expensive fee.

Several studies have shown that most infertile couple usually present at a much later age, past 37 years when their fertility potential has drastically reduced. Couple presenting at their reproductive peak are more likely to incur less expenses for fertility treatment as compared to couple presenting with reduced fertility potential.

The best recommendation is that couple who have been trying for a baby for 12 months of regular unprotected sexual intercourse should seek medical help. Older women and women with condition that compromise fertility like irregularities in menses or have been diagnosed of Endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome and other gynaecological abnormality should seek help early when attempting pregnancy and this will likely reduce the cost of fertility treatment.

Cryopreservation/Freezing of gametes: Women undergoing IVF are encouraged to freeze excess embryos. Considering the overall success rate of IVF at first attempt, embryo freezing is an option to reduce subsequent choice of treatment. Frozen embryo transfer cycle is usually less than half the normal fee for fresh IVF cycle. Couple who freeze their embryos earlier are also less likely to require donor gametes later in life should they want further attempts of IVF cycles thereby keeping cost of treatment fee far cheaper.

Fertility Support Group: Most fertility support groups are charitable organizations, usually offering a chance for couple to meet up and share experience with others who are also trying to conceive. They serve to educate, advocate, support and provide financial aim to members. Fertility support groups can also help instill the discipline of savings for fertility as planning for fertility treatment is also crucial to the funding of fertility treatment. Lots of this group abounds in our environment.

Some couple make up their mind that fertility treatment is expensive; hence they never get to do anything about their fertility, so information is key.

Fertility Grants: Grants are free money that you do not have to repay. There are several NGO`s that provide fertility grants. Most of them have certain criteria and requirement that must be met to access. Which may often be subsidize or cover for fertility treatment. Fertility grants are not easy to find and qualifications are usually difficult to meet because it is usually free money.

Loans: An option for many couple who wish to spread out the cost of their IVF cycle over a more manageable amount of time. IVF loan seem the most viable for most people. Some financial institution offer medical loans or unsecured personal loans which can be used to pay for fertility treatment and there are companies who specialize in this type of lending. While some are even non-profit which offer interest free loans others may offer loan at a reduced interest rate. Criteria for eligibility include:

Good or excellent credit score and history

Sufficient income to handle monthly payment

Verifiable employment/self-employment record

Some fertility clinics may offer favourable financing option to their favourable financing option to their patients, whether they want to cover the cost of an IVF cycle or cover expensive fertility medications. Some clinic offer professional discount to certain healthcare providers.


Educating yourself about the many financial options available to you is very empowering and may be a guide towards access to funds required for treatment.

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