You see, I usually don’t like writing about this Madam, because no matter how objective I try to be, her many fans will still tear me apart. So that is why I usually stay clear and watch as she galivants around the space doing what she knows how to do best – enjoying life.

Anyways, her recent announcement that she has won the rights to a movie on Hushpuppi, the disgraced alleged international fraudster, leaves a bitter taste.

Make e no be like say I am talking too much, so I will choose my words. The whole thing smacks of crass opportunism driven on naked commercialization devoid of a more intrinsic nationalistic thought process.
Mbok, a story that is still evolving, a one-sided story that will not have the permission of the principal and a strong possibility of strengthening the negative narration of our country and people will now be something of pedophilic excitement of a frontrunner? I just tire.

Movies are a very powerful medium. It pushes very strongly, perceptions which seep into relationships between whole cultures and the rest of the world. Today, America despite its obvious lapses is seen as ‘God’s own country’, principally because of what Hollywood shows us.

Look at Mexico, Columbia and other such countries. Hollywood has shown them as nothing but drug fuelled violent entities instead of the beautiful countries that they are.

Mbok, adiagha look for other positive stories of this country to feed your growing international audience. We have many stories of strength, stories of perseverance, stories of hope like the Nigerian basketball team to the last Olympics. That would be a worthy story to tell. Did you know that the coach’s girlfriend had to open a GoFundMe account at the beginning?

My sister, leave this ‘stupid’ story that is not representative of us. You do not have creative control so you will not be able to stop the carnage it will do to our international reputation. Mbok, leave it and do something else. That’s my advice. I know you no go hear but I believe I owe you this and I have said it. Up to you to listen. I have moved on.

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