Facebook Research Unveils New Tips

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the way people live, connect, shop and discover. This is more evident during Ramadan, a period of introspection and celebration for nearly two billion people. During Ramadan, people want to come together, whether virtually or socially distanced, to share the joy with loved ones.

To better understand the behaviours of people who observe Ramadan and who shop for this season, Facebook IQ, Facebook’s insights and research division, in partnership with YouGov, a global public opinion and data company, has unveiled findings of a study conducted during Ramadan 2020, with over 17,000 respondents across eleven countries including Nigeria.

Approximately 1,500 interviews were completed with samples that were representative of the adult online population across age, gender and region in each market. The research explored a range of areas, including people’s purchasing and media habits, the impact of COVID-19, the role of influencer content and how communities give back. The research highlights the booming e-commerce industry is significantly driving the digital economy in Nigeria.

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