, Alhaji Muhammad Sanusi II,

, Alhaji Muhammad Sanusi II,

You know you can like to be the only one talking in the room. That is how you will just be talking and be dishing out facts like say you are Microsoft software. That talk that they say you have said that politics is not for you is totally unacceptable. Please withdraw it and go and get ready. We are no longer interested in talking heads but in doers. So please remove all those big big flowing gowns you like to wear and remove the turban and come and enter the ring. At least you are no longer the Emir so you can jump into the fray.

Shebi you say, you know all that has gone wrong and have been postulating the solutions even from your bathroom, the time has come for you to stand up and really be counted. I have gone back as far back as when you were Managing Director of First Bank to listen to all your speeches and have come to the conclusion that you should no longer be doing spectator. You see, once the economy is repaired, decentralized and vibrant, most of the problems we are facing will diminish.

I am not saying that you are the solution, very far from it. All I am just saying is that we really need to start corralling people with strong economic pedigree to begin to take strategic economic decisions. We are tired of this litany of confusion that is the bane of our leadership. So leave that toilet seat for now and gird your loins and join the fray so that Shomolu people can begin to mobilize for you.

Meanwhile, how is that your pair of slippers? The one you wore the day my brother kola brought me to visit you on Victoria Island some days after you emerged from your temporary internal exile and a few days before Governor El-Rufai Covid announcement. Please greet the slippers for me. Thank you.

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