It’s A Crazy World Premieres April 30

Amanda Ebeye

Amanda Ebeye

Everything Amanda Ebeye touches literally turns to gold. The revered actress and filmmaker is back with a new TV series titled: ’It’s a crazy world’ which is set to premiere on STV on Thursday, April 30 by 8pm. The sitcom features, Bob Manuel Udokwu, Grace Ama, Frances Odega, Kunle Coker, Amanda Ebeye and others.

“It’s a crazy world was inspired by social media mainly, how perfect people like to make their life seem, the competition that goes on there, everyone trying to outdo the other person. There is also a lot to learn from it. It’s a family drama, comedy and very educative. We want to teach young girls and boys that there’s more than life on the gram, people posting perfect lives does not make their lives perfect, actually most of the time their lives are actually far from perfect. It’s a crazy world would show Thursday’s 8pm on Stv and is coming to other TV stations too.” Amanda said excitedly.

Asked about her reason for the choice of cast, she said, “Delivery and carriage was the main thing and we also wanted a perfect fit for the roles. All the actors are amazing actors that we have seen pull off equally challenging roles in other films/ series we have seen them.”

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