Real Reason Patience Jonathan, Pelebo Banigo Parted Ways

Patience Jonathan

Patience Jonathan

For want of a nail, the shoe was lost. For want of a shoe, the horse was lost. For want of a horse, the rider was lost. For want of a rider, the battle was lost. For want of a battle, the kingdom was lost. And all for want of a horseshoe nail.

The above nursery rhyme exemplifies how little drops of water can indeed make a mighty ocean of consequence. The same goes for friendships between lifelong friends. One little misunderstanding, a bit of miscommunication here, a drop of a difference there, and the mutual and beautiful work of many years is transported to the morgue where friendships go to die.

It is no secret that former first lady Patience Faka Jonathan and her one-time best friend Pelebo Banigo no longer see eye to eye. The duo, for so long so inseparable in the high halls of Abuja, have become the poster ladies for the havoc that misunderstanding and unfounded jealousies can wreck on a beautiful thing.

Seeing them at separate events, and separately at the same events, not a few onlookers have sighed in sadness at what was and what could have continued to be. At the time when they became separated by a red sea of quarrels, many people wondered what would have happened to throw a wrench in the two-woman combo of boisterous Patience and calm and unassuming Pelebo.

Sources disclosed that a nail was at the heart of their separation. A nail therapist, to be specific. During one of her frequent visits to Aso Rock at the height of her friendship with Patience, Pelebo introduced a specialist in nail therapy to the First Couple. Initially enamoured of their new therapist, Patience began to nurse suspicions that her husband is getting more than his nails tended to. Once her suspicion solidified into belief, she directed her ire at her bosom friend Pelebo.

Unable to withstand the first lady’s staring eyes and accusing fingers, the very peaceful Pelebo decided to respect herself and withdrawn from the First lady’s social circle. She fled, sought and found refuge in the arms of other well-connected ladies of high society whom she could be at ease around. Being the wife of King Ebitimi Banigo, the paramount ruler of Okpoama Kingdom in Bayelsa State, Former Minister Of Science and Technology and Former Chairman of All States Trust Bank, Pelebo has no problems finding like-minded ladies to roll with. She and her former bosom friend now maintain their respective lanes.

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