Sekibo Urges Banks to Support SMEs

Ifie Sekibo

Ifie Sekibo

Nume Ekeghe

The Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of Heritage Bank Plc, Mr. Ifie Sekibo yesterday urged commercial banks to intervene in building a formidable economy driven by SMEs, saying there are lots of opportunities in that segment of the market.

According to a statement, Sekibo stated this on the sidelines of the on-going 11th Annual Banking and Finance Conference of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN) with the theme, MSMEs: ‘The Game Changer for Economic Growth and Development.’

According to Sekibo, Heritage Bank remains poised to collaborate with operators of MSMEs to grow them into generational conglomerates.

He stated that it was the desire of the bank for Nigerian businesses to be listed on the stock exchange and eventually become global brands and household names.

Sekibo, noted that surviving in the face of all odds as a business in Nigeria with the present economic situation would not be an easy feat, adding that tenacity remains key characteristic of a sustainable business.

He said: “We believe that businesses like yours are the backbone of the economy because you create jobs and play a huge role in moving our country out of this present recession. I encourage you to rise up to this challenge facing every Nigerian entrepreneur and make our economy vibrant again.”

Also, he said Heritage Bank would support operators in the MSMEs sector to broker new deals and partnerships, adding that a contact today could lead to a business opportunity tomorrow.

He said the bank would create a platform to propel a network of fast growing businesses and urged them to seize the opportunity, network with others as well as engage the bank’s SME consultants in their bid to build and develop sustainable businesses.

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